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Lesson Twelve之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/23 13:18  新浪教育
  VCU=Very Commonly Used很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used有时用

  RU=Rarely Used不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:

  1. get the floor: VCU



  -如果我能得到上台的发言权(get the floor),那就太好了。

  2.keep in touch (with someone): VCU

  -见到你真高兴,这次拜访我过得很愉快(enjoy,visit)。这么长时间彼此没有联系(time,hear from)之后我们有着说不完的话(much talk)。

  - Yes,再见到你真是太高兴了and可算找到你了(catch up with somebody)。我们一定要保持联系(keep in touch)。我们可不能再彼此不通音讯(talk)地让一年又这么过去(go by )。

  - Absolutely,我们应该更经常地通电话或者写信。

  3. make a point: VCU


  -I think他是想向他的读者说明(make a point)吸烟的危害(danger)。

  -你的意思是说在故事里向读者们强调了这个意思(strong message)?


  4. on line: VCU


  -不好意思,我一整天都在上网(be on line)。我有很多网站(website)要搜索(research) and一旦上了Internet的时候,时间就过得飞快(fly)。

  -我明白,跟我说说。我每天也要花几个小时上网。有好多事要干:新闻,电子邮件,游戏……不过你可要当心(though);刚买电脑就老上网(use,new),你会收到巨额的话费账单(phone bill)。

  5. leak something (out): VCU




  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.
  1. not hold a stick to someone or something; not hold a candle to someone or something: SU

  -I thought I was a good soccer player. But after yesterday's game, I realized that I don't hold a candle to John.

  -Well, it's true that you aren't nearly as good as him, but, remember, he's a professional player. You're still very good for the level at which you play. -Thanks for your encouragement. I'm lucky to have a nice friend like you!

  2. air one's dirty linen("laundry" in American English) in public: SU

  -That married couple quarrels too much.

  -Really, how do you know?

  -Well, they use such loud voices that the whole neighborhood can hear them.

  -Oh, that must be embarrassing, especially if they are arguing about private matters in public.

  -Yes. At least once a week, they air their dirty linen for all of their neighbors to hear.It's actually kind of amusing sometimes.

  3. cry wolf: SU

  -There's a very famous story in English about a shepherd boy who often cried wolf.

  -What does that mean?

  -Well, because he lived in a town of shepherds everyone was very afraid of wolves. On a couple of occasions, the boy thought it would be funny to yell "Wolf" just to scare people. Well, he did this a few times, and soon no one believed the boy. One day, a wolf really came along, and the by cried, "It's a wolf. Help!". But everyone thought that he was just making up a story again, and nobody came to help and the wolf ate him. So from this story, we get the expression, "Don't cry wolf", which means don't complain about something when nothing is wrong. Otherwise, when you need help, people may not be there to help you.

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