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Lesson Twelve之定义篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/23 13:20  新浪教育
  1. hero (n.)

  A hero1 is a person who is admired2 for great courage, special achievements, or noble character3.

  2. key (n.)

  A key is a small piece of notched4 metal that is inserted5sintosa lock6 to open or close it.

  3.last (v.)

  To last is to continue for a period of time.

  4.make (v.)

  To make is to form, shape, or put together out of material or parts.

  5.many (adj.)

  Many means adding7 up to a large number, or numerous8.

  6.missing9 (adj.)

  Missing means not to be found, or lost.

  7.directly (adv.)

  Directly means very soon or immediately.

  8.partially (adv.)

  Partially means not completely.

  Exercise :

  Accurately define the following terms.

  1. greenhouse10 (n.玻璃暖房、温室):glass /plants /need / temperature

  2. high jump (n.跳高):springing11 / horizontal12 /contest

  3. move (v.搬家):place

  4. feed13 (v.喂):food

  5. manmade (adj.人造的):human beings / nature

  6. middle-aged (adj.中年的):between / age


  1.hero: (n.)英雄,豪杰,主人公

  相关:heroine (n.)女英雄,女主人公;heroism (n.)英雄主义,勇敢的行为

  用法:(1) a great popular war hero人人皆知的战争英雄

  (2) the hero of a novel小说中的主人公

  表达:hero sandwich美国十分流行的(意大利)"英雄"三明治(长条面包中夹各种冷肉、奶酪和蔬菜)

  2.admire: (v.)赞美,称赞,羡慕

  相关:admirer (n.)赞美者,敬慕者a sincere admirer真诚的仰慕者;admiration (n.)赞美,钦佩

  用法:(1) I admire him for what he has done.我钦佩他所做的一切。

  (2) He admires her for her calm and collected manner.他羡慕她的泰然自若。

  表达:(1) The pretty girl attracted many admirers.那位漂亮的姑娘吸引了许多的崇拜者。

  (2) He is an admirer of the west.他是个崇洋媚外的人。

  (3) Jenny has a great admiration for china. Jenny十分仰慕中国。

  (4) Don't admire him ignorantly.别盲目地羡慕他。

  (5) The work of Lu Xun has been long and deeply admired in China.鲁迅的作品长期以来在中国被人们深深地景仰着。

  3.character: (n.)性格,特性,(戏剧小说中)角色,人物,字符

  用法:(1) to build (up) one's character陶冶性格(character building性格塑造)

  (2) to develop one's character磨练自己的性格

  (3) to strengthen one's character使自己的性格变坚强

  (4) to deepen one's character陶冶自己的性格

  表达:(1) You are quite a character.你可真是个怪人。

  (2) He's a man of character.他是个有个性的人。

  (3) She has completely changed her character.她的性格完全变了。

  (4) There's no way of mending his character.他这人的性格简直无可救药了。

  (5) I'm very familiar with all the well-known characters from Jin Yong's novels.金庸小说中著名的角色我全了如指掌。

  (6) John is studying Chinese characters. John正在学习汉字。

  4.notched: (adj.)上面带槽的

  5.insert: (v.)插入

  相关:insertion (n.)插入

  用法:(1) to insert a key in (into) a lock把钥匙插进锁中

  (2) to insert a comma between two words在两个词中间插入逗号

  表达:(常在修改文件中注明的)The following insertion has been made in the contract.本合同中增加了如下内容。

  6.lock: (n.)锁

  相关:lock (v.)锁住;a locker room(体育馆、俱乐部)更衣室;men's locker room,男更衣室;women's locker room女更衣室

  表达:(1) a combination lock (转字的)密码锁

  (2) He locked himself up in the study.他把自己关进书房。

  (3) They try to put (have) a lock on the general election.他们试图完全控制大选。

  (4) It became apparent that she had the best actress nomination locked up.显然,她被提名为最佳女演员已成定局。

  7.add: (v.)加,累积,作加法

  用法:to add some milk to the coffee给咖啡加点儿奶

  辨析:"加"、"减"、"乘"、"除"英文中的说法是:addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

  比较:Add five to five and you get ten.或者Five plus five is ten (5+5=10)./ Subtract two from ten you have eight.或者Ten minus two is eight (10-2=8)./ Multiple 10 by 2 and you have 20.或者Ten times two is twenty (10×2=20). /Divide ten by two and you get five (10÷2=5).

  表达:(1) The artificial lake adds much to the beauty of the landscape.这个人工湖大大增添了风景的优美。

  (2) Add up these figures and see if the sum is correct.把这些数字加在一起看看结果(和)对不对。

  (3) My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway.今天早上我的车差点没发动起来,雪上加霜的是开到车库前的停车道一个车胎也没气了。

  (4) To spank a crying baby just adds fuel to the fire.打一个正在哭的孩子的屁股简直是火上浇油。

  (5) Marriage adds to his responsibility.婚姻增强了他的责任感。

  (6) This movie added to her popularity.这部新片增加了她的知名度。


  用法:(1) too numerous to mention多得说不完

  (2) too numerous to count多不胜数

  (3) too numerous for recital多得不胜枚举

  9.missing: (adj.)失踪的,下落不明的

  相关:miss (v).想念,失掉,没赶上(车等)

  辨析:说"失踪了的孩子",用a missing child; lost表示"(东西)丢失"或人"走迷了路",如:Lost and Found失物招领处和a lost child迷路的孩子

  用法:(1) I'll miss you guys, miss your questions, and miss your wonderful sense of humor.我会想念大家,回味你们的问题,回味你们精彩的幽默感。

  (2) It's hard to get a cab. I may miss my plane for Shanghai.很难叫到出租车。我有可能误了飞往上海的班机。

  (3) Don't miss this opportunity.这次别失掉良机。

  表达:(1) to miss sb. badly since…从……以后十分想念某人。

  (2) I missed the last bus by five minutes.我只是晚了五分钟,结果没赶上最后一班公共汽车。

  (3) Keep walking until you see the yellow building. You won't miss it.一直走直到你看见一幢黄楼。那就是你要找的。(为指方向时的套语)

  (4) He is reported as missing.他下落不明。

  10.greenhouse: (n.)温室、暖房

  表达:greenhouse effect(地表增热的)温室效应

  11.spring (v.)跳起来,跳过去


  用法:(1) a tiger about to spring一只就要扑出去的老虎

  (2) to spring across the creek跳过小河

  表达:with a spring一跃,一骨碌(爬起等) He got out of bed with a spring.他一骨碌爬起跳下了床。

  12.horizontal: (adj.)水平的,地平的

  相关:horizon (n.)地平线


  用法:a horizontal bar单杠;parallel bars双杠

  表达:(1) enlarge/expand/widen one's horizon开阔眼界

  (2) High-tech gives us a new horizon.高科技为我们打开新的眼界。

  (3) Higher education widens the intellectual horizon of young people.高等教育开阔了年轻人的精神视野。

  (4) Thank you. You have opened a new horizon for me!谢谢你,你令我打开了新的眼界!

  (5) the ship disappeared beyond the horizon.船在天际处消失了

  (6) The sun sank towards the horizon.太阳向地平线落去。

  (7) The sun has sank below the horizon.太阳落进地平线。

  13.feed: (v.)喂、喂养

  辨析:to breast-feed a baby给孩子喂母乳

  用法:to feed the baby with milk喂孩子奶

  表达:(1) Don't bite the hand that feeds you.别忘恩负义、恩将仇报。

  (2) These kids were badly fed and badly clothed.那些孩子们缺吃少穿。

  (3) I'm fed up with that nonsense.我对那些胡说八道都烦透了。

  (4) I'm fed up with his constant complaints.我对他没完没了的抱怨早就听厌了。

  (5) I wouldn't wait any longer. I've got to go now. I'm fed up!我不想再等下去。我得走了。我烦透了!

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