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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久5

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/29 14:36  新浪教育

  RO: Hisham, are you hearing a lot of criticism of the United States coverage of this war(你有没有听到对美国发起的这场战争的批评), the news media, a lot of people calling it jingoistic(强硬外交政策的), pro-war(好战的), is that what you're hearing?

  【注】the bush administration is PRO-WAR!布什政府好战!

  HISHAM MELHEM: Well, definitely. This has been almost the universal view in the Arab world, especially the television's coverage of the war, the American flags, the expressions of sympathy(同情心), the focus only on the military side, the focus only on the military victories(只对战争胜利的关注), not enough focus on the horrors of the war(没有对战争恐惧挑起足够的注意力), what that war meant to the average Iraqis who have been living in a huge prison by Saddam Hussein

  RO: I want to get our correspondents' reaction to that, but first I want to check in with James Bays of ITN, our correspondent in Baghdad(我想先联系一下我们巴格达的记者James Bays).

  Has the looting and the like diminished(掠夺等现象有无减少?), James?

  【注】the like表示"同样的事情",比如has the low-employee rate and the like changed?/低就业率等现象有没有改变?

  JAMES BAYS: I think it has a little bit but it dependsswheresyou are in the city(我想是有所减少,但是要看你在哪个城市。). Around the Palestine Hotel, this area, and things, I think, have been quieting down(有所平息). We've seen more people on the street. We've seen commoners(平民) on the streets although I think actually people are buying and selling things that they've looted. (我想是他们在买卖掠夺来的物品。)

  【注】commoners平民,most of commoners in US and Iraq want peace./大多数美国和伊拉克平民渴望和平。

  RO: By the way, in our next segment we'll be taRO calls for this panel(我们将接进热线电话,可向专家们提问。)

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