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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/23 14:27  新浪教育


  RO: And what about those suicide bomb ? (自杀性袭击是怎么回事?) Can you enlighten us as to what that was all about? (你能否详细给我们讲讲。)

  【注】suicide,自杀,比如可以这样向外国朋友介绍张国荣自杀:He committed suicide by jumping down from his most favorite hotel in Hongkong/他从香港自己最喜爱的宾馆跳下自杀身亡。

  AMANPOUR: When we first got to Baghdad on Wednesday, there was a suicide bomber who detonated(引爆) explosives(炸药) strapped (绑)to his own body and wounded four Marines at a checkpoint in Saddam City.

  RO: Thank you, as always, Christiane Amanpour on the scene, CNN's Chief International Correspondent. (谢谢来自于CNN的首席国际记者的报道)

  Let's meet a panel of(一组)experts now. In Kuwait City is Paul Martin, Chief Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief(主编) of "World News and Features." He's been covering the Mid East beat for "The Washington Times(华盛顿时报)."

  In New York is Chris Hedges, "New York Times" columnist(纽约时报专栏作家), and long-time war correspondent(长期战事记者), author of "War is a Force That Gives us Meaning." He, by the way, was captured by the Iraqi Republican Guard (被伊拉克共和卫队逮捕)and held prisoner for a week during the Shiite rebellion after the '91 Gulf War(91年海湾战争后什叶派叛变时被囚禁一个星期。).

  In Washington, is Hisham Melhem. He's the Washington Bureau Chief, "As-Safir" newspaper, war correspondent for Radio Monte Carlo. He also hosts a talk show on the satellite news station A-Arabiya.

  And, in Baghdad, James Bays, the ITN Correspondent, we'll be checRO in with him(我们将稍后和他联系).

  Paul, what kind of aftermath(结果,后果) is this going to be like? What do you make of post war Iraq? (战后伊拉克应该如何面对?)

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