Don't pull my ear | 2003/05/06 14:05 新浪教育 |
巨星在洗脸,小其过去,揪住其耳朵。因此: 巨星:Don't pull my ear. 小其(拉紧巨星耳朵):Are you free tomorrow? (你明天有空吗?)我想去海滨晒太阳。 巨星:今天就去。Look at the sun!(看太阳!)多好。Where is your bike? (你的自行车在哪儿?) 小其:It's a fine day for a walk. (这个天气散步很好。)咱们散步去吧。 巨星:That's a good idea! (好主意!)路过一家超级市场,小其欲进。 巨星:What are you going to buy? (你要买什么?) 小其:不买什么,逛一逛。It's much better thanshavingsclasses.(这比上课有意思多了。) 巨星:对了,今天还有一堂数学课,学校是否很远? 小其:It's quite near. (很近。)两人来到学校,迟到了。 教师:Come to school earlier next time. (下次上课早点。)你看大龙、小龙兄弟从不迟到,你们为什么迟到? 巨星:They come in their father's car. (他们坐他们父亲的车来。)当然不迟到了。我们可是又散步又逛商场。 |
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