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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久7

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/08 14:17  新浪教育

  RO: Chris, I guess better ask Chris. When is this war over?

  HEDGES: Well, I worry that this war may just be beginning(刚刚开始). Never forget that when the Israelis(以色列人) went//into//southern Lebanon(南黎巴嫩) in 1982, the Shiites(什叶派教徒) who were dispossessed(被逐出), oppressed(被镇压), politically unorganized(政治上失去秩序), greeted them as liberators(解放者). Two or three months later when they realized that the Israelis had come not as liberators but as occupiers(占领者) they began to kill them until they eventually drove them out of southern Lebanon.


  And, if we go//into//Iraq and think that we are going to set up a puppet(傀儡) government, control the oil fields in much the way, for instance, the French control oil fields in Africa taRO countries like the Congo(刚果), I think especially knowing Iraq, knowing Iraq's history, and this is a country that is not Egypt. (任何了解伊拉克历史的人都知道,这个国家与埃及不一样。)

  【注】puppet是个高难度单词,比如日本占领下的溥仪傀儡政府就是puppet government,我们大多数人清楚美国人真正想在伊拉克建立的也是puppet government.前几天,公司里请来一位美国老师教与技术部的几个人交流口语,那个美国老师谈到伊拉克时候,曾问我们Do you think that US will establish a puppet government in Iraq?/你们认为美国会在伊拉克建立傀儡政府吗?

  It's a country that has a long tradition of violence within it, with contentious, ethnic groups(宗教组织). It does not have a unified national identity. I worry that this could be very bloody(血腥的), very messy(混乱的). It depends, of course, how the Bush administration decides that they are going to handle Iraq(这取决于布什政府下多大的决心来整治伊拉克)1967 and we could be Israel.

  RO: Montreal(蒙特利尔(加拿大)), hello.

  CALLER: Hello. What about aid from the Arab countries(阿拉伯国家是否提供援助), all the Arab neighbors that are close, why don't they help? (他们离的那么近,为什么不能提供援助?)


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