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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久8

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/12 14:20  新浪教育

  RO: Daoud, are the Arab neighbors going to help?

  KUTTAB: Well, already Kuwait of course is helping(科威特现在已经在提供援助了) and I think I know Jordan(约旦) is sending a medical unit to Iraq, mobile kind of hospital(移动型医院). There will be money coming and there will be aid coming from the Arab countries, but again as was said by your reporter, or by Chris I think, the issue is the political involvement(这(援助)跟政治有关。).


  Will this mean that these countries would have a say in the new government, the new Iraqi government? That's what everybody wants to know, what kind of government it will be, who will run it, what kind of credibility the new Iraqi leaders will have with the Iraqi people? That's a really big question in the Arab world.

  RO: Mobile, Alabama(阿拉巴马州), hello.

  CALLER: Hello. Today, the Iraqi scientist who surrendered...

  RO: Yes.

  CALLER: ...said Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction. Obviously, the United States does not agree. How will he be treated(投降的人将会遭受什么样的待遇)? Will he be imprisoned and interrogated or possibly even tortured(折磨)?

  RO: Do we know, Melham?

  MELHAM: I don't know. I mean so far he's correct. They did not find any weapons of mass destruction(没有发现任何大规模杀伤性武器). I don't know whether there are any elements or materiel that could be used in the production of weapons of mass destruction(我不知道是否存在元素或材料可以用来制造大规模杀伤性武器) but so far if that's the reason that led to the war, so far they did not find any.

  RO: James Bays, do you hear anything about how he's going to be questioned?

  BAYS: Well, the ministers(部长) here of Saddam, most of them have not been found yet. They've completely disappeared. To be honest, I don't think there are many people looRO for them. The Marines on this side of the river, the Army on the other side of the river, are just trying to fortify(稳固) their positions.

  Obviously, if they find anyone in any of the buildings or the streetsswheresthey are, they will be arrested, but I don't think they've got enough men on the ground yet to start the full-scale hunt. (但是我不认为他们有足够的人来引爆大规模的伤亡事件)

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