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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 鲜花对女人意味着什么

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/13 10:01  世博英语

  本课您将学到:other than(不同于;除了),be used to句型(习惯于……)


  In a classic case of supply(供应) and demand(需求), the price of roses peaks(达到高峰) on Valentine's Day. Women may be used to receiving flowers on birthdays and anniversaries(周年纪念). But flowers given for no reason other than“I was thinking of you today”make higher impact(影响力) because they are unexpected.

  Every woman remembers the last time she got flowers. Just as you never forgot the first time a woman other than your mom served(为……服务) you a home-cooked meal, she'll treasure(珍藏) this gesture(姿态、心意) forever.


  首先来看一个商业术语,supply意思是“提供”,demand是“需求”,和在一起supply and demand,就是“供求”。“供求规则”就是the law of supply and demand,商场上的成功者就是掌握这个规则的专家,所以在他们看来,The law of supply and demand is simple.(供求规则很简单。)

  接下来,我们来看看玫瑰花的销售规律。Classic是“经典的”,case有“案例”的意思,“玫瑰花供求的经典案例”(In a classic case of supply and demand)也就是“就玫瑰花的供求最佳时期来说”,也就是情人节,是玫瑰花售价最高的时候了。(the price of roses peaks on Valentine's Day)

  女人总是习惯于(be used to)在她们的生日宴会或是周年纪念时收花(receiving flowers on birthdays and anniversaries)。

  注意这段中的other than,这里,它表示否定意义,即不同于(= different from),非(= not)。flowers given for no reason other than“I was thinking of you today”就是“没理由的送花不同于说‘我今天想你’”,用“flowers given for no reason”和说“I was thinking of you today”相比较,显然后者不如前者,因为flowers given for no reason可以make higher impact(产生更高的影响力),因为they are unexpected(这些花是意外惊喜。)


  每个女人都能记住她上次她收到的鲜花,(Every woman remembers the last time she got flowers.)就像你永远不会忘记第一个除了妈妈之外的女人给你准备的家常饭一样,(Just as you never forgot the first time a woman other than your mom served you a home-cooked meal)

  这里,又出现了other than,不过这一次它的意思变成了“除了”,相当于except。举个例子:There's nobody here other than me.(这儿除了我没有别人。)很容易理解,是吧!

  她将永远珍藏你的这份心意。(she'll treasure this gesture forever)treasure当名词讲是“金银财宝,财富”,做动词时,意思自然就变成了“珍藏”。



  be used to


  She is used to hard work.



  I'm used toshavingsmilk and bread for breakfast.



  今天的节目就到这里,记住other than表示“不同于”或者“除了”,be used to句型的意思是“习惯于……”。下次再见!


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