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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Three口语部分文化篇

Lesson Three口语部分文化篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/14 12:57  新浪教育
  Read the text carefully and be prepared to answer the question:Friendliness

  In the U.S., saying hello to people is just a friendly gesture1.It's a democratic habit that treats friends and strangers alike2.However, it doesn't mean that someone is trying to make friends.Foreigners sometimes mistake an American's friendliness for genuine3 friendship, and wind up feeling hurt or believing that the Americans are really superficial in their friendships.But Americans call almost everyone they know "friends," even when they are only acquaintances4.True friendship is just as precious5 in the U.S. as it is anywhere.

  1.gesture: n. a movement of the body or hand used for expression姿态,手势,表示

  例句:He likes to use gestures in hope of making himself clear.


  2.alike: adv. in the same way同样地,类似地

  例句:He and his cousin look so much alike that people always mistake them as twins.


  3.genuine: adj. actual and true真实的,真正的

  例句:The bag is made of genuine leather.


  4.acquaintance: n. a person whom one knows causally相识,熟人

  例句:The couple met a lot of acquaintances in the U.S.


  5、precious: adj. valuable宝贵的,贵重的

  例句:The stone he found leisurely is precious and worthten thousand dollars.


  Exercise: Is friendship as important to Americans as to other cultures?

  Clues to the answer: say hello as a habit, friendly politeness

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