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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 工作繁忙压力大 帮你减压有妙方

工作繁忙压力大 帮你减压有妙方
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/20 13:18  空中美语




  Do you ever get the feeling work is killing you? Well, it might be. An estimated forty percent of all people find their work very stressful, a situation that leads to problems ranging from insomnia and headaches to high blood pressure and heart disease.

  The problems start when something at work, such as fear of getting fired or an argument with your boss, induces stress. Your body reacts by flooding the bloodstream with hormones that tense up your muscles and jack up your heart rate and blood pressure. This is meant to save you in a fight-or-flight situation, but leads to a host of ailments, such as those mentioned above, when it occurs regularly over an extended period of time.

  Fortunately, some simple measures go a long way to relieving these problems. Most occupational stress boils down to a perceived lack of control, and can be alleviated by taking a more proactive stance. For example, you should actively pursue career opportunities rather than quietly fret about getting fired. Of course, you can't control everything, so you need to help your mind and body cope. Keep a journal to vent your frustrations, take short walks to calm down, or, if necessary, simply take a mental health day.

工作繁忙压力大 帮你减压有妙方

  Sentence of the Day:

  Don't stress out!





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. induce

vt. 引发

2. fight-or-flight

adj. phr. 面对或逃避的

3. fret

vi. 焦躁

4. vent

vt. 发泄


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