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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Six口语部分描述篇

Lesson Six口语部分描述篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/23 15:18  新浪教育
  No pains, no gains.

  Meaning: Nothing can be accomplished without effort.



  Decide which of the two versions given below you think is the better one. Why?

  Version A

  Tom had had a crush on Sally for nearly three years. They finally exchanged wedding vows last month.During the wedding service, Tom, with some pride, related their story of love"I pursued her for a thousand days, sent her a thousand roses, and on bended knee 1,000 times asked her to be my bride. She finally consented."

  We all shouted our congratulations and said,"Tom, no pains, no gains."This past weekend, I ran into Tom at the bar. When I entered he was seated alone, drinking and looking despondent. I greeted him, and, because he looked so unhappy, asked what was wrong.

  "Michael," he confided, "I want to get a divorce from Sally."

  Too surprised, I couldn't think of a thing to say.

  But he went on,"She's such a dependent type person that I just can't deal with her any more. Everyday I have to pick her up and bring her back home, do all the cooking and all the yard work.She never helps with any of this. Why did I ever get married!"

  Again, yesterday I met Tom at that bar; he looked very pleased."So, you've worked out everything with Sally, eh?" I asked.

  "Not at all, Michael. Don't you recall I said: 'No pains, no gains'? Well, we split up!"

  "You did what?" I asked.

  "I got my freedom!" he replied happily.

  Version B

  Tom had had crushed on Sally for almost 3 years, last month they finally got married. On their ceremony, Tom told us their love story proudly, "It took me 1,000days to chase her, I bought her

  1,000 bunches of rosesto be after her, and I knelt on my knees 1,000 time before her to ask her to marry me. At last, she nodded."

  "Congratulations, Tom, no pains, no gains." We cheered.

  Last weekend, I met Tom in a bar. He was drinking alone when I walked in. he looked very upset. I said hello to him and asked: "Hi, Tom. You seem some kind of sad. What's wrong with you ?"

  "Oh, Michael. I'm gonna divorce Sally." He said.

  I was too astonished to say a word.

  He continued, "She is such dependent girl that I can't put up with her any more. Every afternoon I had to pick her up back home. Every day , I had to prepare our meal. Every week I had to do out our garden. She never ever did that at all. I wish I haven't got married."

  Yesterday I ran into Tom in that bar again, he looked very happy. I said to him, "Hi, Tom. You have made with Sally, haven't you?"

  "Oh, no, Michael. Do you remember you have told me that 'no pains, no gains'?" Tom said, "I got divorced."

  "You got what?" I asked.

  "Freedom!" Tom told me proudly.


  have a crush on: to have strong, romantic feelings toward someone (对异性)有极大的好感

  vow: a serious and important promise严肃、郑重的承诺

  bride: a woman who is about to get married or has just gotten married新娘(新郎:bridegroom)

  consent: to agree同意,赞同

  despondent: miserable and depressed沮丧的、失望的

  Exercise: Complete the proverb in English, and then illustrate the meaning of the proverb.(用英语完成下列谚语并用具体例子阐述它的意思。)

  Don't look a gift horse in the嘴:别抱怨about something that is给to you.

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