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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Five口语部分描述篇

Lesson Five口语部分描述篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/21 13:34  新浪教育

  Look before you leap.

  Meaning: Consider all aspects of a situation before you take any action.汉语中意思接近的有:三思而后行。



  Decide which of the two versions given below you think is the better one. Why?

  Version A

  Examine a situation from every point of view before you act. Mr. Liu was the kind who had never taken this advice to heart and never thought to discuss a matter with someone or to think about it in any depth.

  Once, while dancing with a lady, Mr. Liu asked her if she was married. When she replied that she was not, Mr. Liu asked if she had any children. The lady was very insulted, she stopped dancing with him and left the dance hall. So he assumed that he should not have asked the question in just this way.

  Later when dancing with a widow, he struck up a conversation with her by asking if she had any children. She answered that she had two. "Oh, did you get married?" he asked. The widow glared at him without smiling and left the dance floor.

  Version B

  Consider all aspects of a situation before you take any action. Mr. Liu was this sort of person who always had a talk with somebody without thinking deeply.

  One night, he was dancing with a girl at a ball. Mr. Liu asked his partner: "Have you married?" The girl replied: "No, I haven't."

  Mr. Liu asked: "Do you have kids?" This made the girl angrily so much. She stopped dancing with Mr. Liu and left the ball angrily. So he thought that those questions shouldn't be asked in this way.

  After a while, he danced with a widow, and had a conversation with her. "Do you have kids?" He asked the widow. "Yes, I have two kids." The widow answered. "Oh, have you married?" He asked again. The widow looked at him joylessly and stopped dancing.


  act: to do sth.做事,行动

  take…to heart: to think about sth. seriously认真考虑

  in depth: thoroughly全面的(地),深入的(地)

  strick up: to begin开始

  glare: to look at someone in a very angry way怒视

  Exercise: Complete the proverb in English, and then illustrate the meaning of the proverb.(用英语完成下列谚语并用具体例子阐述它的意思。)

  别判断a人until you've walked in his靴子:别评判a person until you've试着to做the things he or she does.

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