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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/27 10:04  世博英语

  They're Flocking to See 'Python Boy'


  SITTBOW, Cambodia (Reuters) - Cambodians are flocking to see a three-year-old boy they believe was the son of a dragon in a former life because his best friend is a four-meter-long python.


  【讲解】flock:To congregate or travel in a flock or crowd.聚集成群,常与to, in, out, together连用,如:It rarely happened that people in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.镇上的人蜂拥到剧院去看那部新歌剧,这是难得有的事。"

  former life:传说中人的前生,还有所谓的after life:来世,也就是死后.

  Curled up for an afternoon snooze inside the coils of his scaly companion, the child attracts regular visits in the impoverished southeast Asian nation from villagers anxious to make use of what they believe are his supernatural powers.


  【讲解】Curl up:蜷缩。The beggar Curled up in the corner because of cold.

  snooze (尤指在白天)打瞌睡,睡午觉,懒散地消磨(时间),可以与away搭配使用。

  Scaly在本文中的意思是鳞状的,有鳞的,它还有一个常用意思,作卑劣的,可憎的讲,如:scaly bum:邋遢鬼;卑劣的人。

  impoverished有两个意思,一个是Reduced to poverty; poverty-stricken:贫困的,赤贫的;

  另一个是Deprived of natural richness or strength; depleted:力量或肥性被耗尽的,用尽的。如:

  an impoverished speech;贫乏的讲演;a region impoverished by drought.由于干旱而变得贫瘠的地区。

  Supernatural,超自然物,神奇的东西;[the supernatural]超自然现象。

  "He has been playing with the python ever since he could first crawl," said his mother Kim Kannara, who is perfectly happy to allow her son to sleep cheek-by-jowl with the giant constrictor even though it could easily have him for dinner.


  Traditional beliefs are still strong in Cambodia and it was not long before the boy's friendship with the female snake prompted a fortune teller to declare he must have been the son of a dragon in a previous life.


  【讲解】fortune teller:占星者。

  His special powers will probably make him a traditional healer at the age of seven, but meanwhile the bond between boy and snake is limiting the movements of the family.



  "I don't know what is special about the relationship between my son and the snake -- whether they were related in their previous lives -- but they certainly can't be separated," Kim Kannara said.


  "I once took my son off to the provinces, but we couldn't stay because my son was missing Chamreun so much."





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