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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Seven口语部分文化篇

Lesson Seven口语部分文化篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/28 12:59  新浪教育
  Read the text carefully and be prepared to answer the question: Youth Culture

  Older people often encounter1 bias2 against them. America has such a strong youth culture that some men even feel the need to dye3 their hair when they find a few geris. At the top of the corporate ladder, age and experience are still valued. But in many other facets4 of life, older people are unfairly discriminated5 against.

  As upsetting6 as this is, we should not find it surprising. In light of7 America's relentless8 pursuit of the next new thing, American culture doesn't take the potential9 contributions of seniors as seriously as cultures that place a higher value on tradition do.

  1.encounter: v. to meet with (difficulties, opposition, etc.)遭遇,遇到

  例句:The village encountered the natural disaster which can't be met for hundreds of years.


  2.bias: n. prejudice偏见

  例句:There was clear evidence of a strong bias against the black in the media.


  3.dye: v. to color染色

  例句:Modern girls like to dye their hair to different colors.


  4.facet: n. aspect方面

  例句:Lack of work opportunities is only one facet of the social problems.


  5.discriminate: v. to treat unfavorably or favorably, esp. on the basis of race, gender, etc.歧视,区别对待

  例句:Some employers still discriminate against women for higher-paying jobs.


  6.upsetting: adj. worried; unhappy or angry令人心烦意乱的,不高兴或生气的

  例句:After his divorce, he found himself in some upsetting situation.


  7.in light of: adv. because of; considering鉴于,由于

  例句:In light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.


  8.relentless: adj. not giving in; continuing in a determined way不懈的,持续的

  例句:The relentless push for economic growth is deeply damaging to the environment.


  9.potential: adj. capable of turning into reality in the future潜在的,可能的

  例句:He is the potential CEO of the company, with his outstanding achievements in business..


  Exercise: America is often considered to have a "strong youth culture". Please offer evidence for this statement.

  Clues to the answer: value "new" more than tradition

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