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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第二册 > Lesson Seven口语部分描述篇

Lesson Seven口语部分描述篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/28 13:01  新浪教育
  Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

  Meaning: Don't plan on the successful results of something unless those results actually occur.



  Decide which of the two versions given below you think is the better one. Why?

  Version A

  When Tom came into the classroom, Bob greeted him with enthusiasm: "Congratulations, Tom! I heard you aced the physics exam! You got the highest score of all!"

  "Wonderful! Thanks for the good news!" Tom responded.

  "Hey Tom! Why not have a celebration party?" Bob suggested.

  "Great idea!" Tom said. Fun was had all that night at Tom's house.

  The next morning, Tom ran into his physics teacher on the campus.

  "I'm glad to see you, Professor Green." Tom said proudly.

  "I'm not," his teacher responded, "You really blew that physics test! An F for you! But not to worry, I'll get the student who got A, Jim, to help you."

  Version B

  Tom walked into the classroom and met Bob. Bob said to him excitedly, "Congratulations, Tom! I heard you get ace in the physics test. That's the best mark in our class." "That's great! Thank you for telling me." "Tom! Maybe you should give a party to celebrate it." "That sounds a great idea!" Tom said. They had a good time in Tom's home that evening. Next morning, Tom came across his physics teacher in the campus. "I'm glad to see you, Mr. Green." Tom said proudly. "But I'm not," The teacher said, "You know, your physics was so rotten. You only get F in this test. But don't worry, I'll let Jim help you, because he got A this time."


  ace: to receive a grade of "A" on a test考试得"优秀"成绩


  Exercise: Complete the proverb in English, and then illustrate the meaning of the proverb.(用英语完成下例谚语并用具体例子阐述它的意思)

  别放all your蛋in one篮子:别冒险losing everything at once.

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