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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 青梅中学

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/30 13:44  新浪教育

  When I was 14 years old, in my first week of high school (中学), I met a guy that had asked me out a couple of months before. I was asking his best friend on a date for one of my friends when he said, only if you go on a date with Josh. I said okay even though I knew I was too young and my parents would never allow it. Josh was a sophomore and he was 15 at the time. Josh came over to my house the next week and asked my father's permission to take me out on a "group date" with other friends.


  1.group date./多人聚会



  you wont allow to be here without the doorman's permission.


  记得一次在陪美国客人在上海东方明珠电视塔观光的时候,曾经用到:"it's hard to imagine to build such a huge tower without the government's permission./没有政府的许可,要建造这么大的塔几乎是不可能的。"

  After playing twenty questions, my parents said yes. That was the moment that started my future. Who would have ever known at 14 that I would meet the one I was destined to be with for all of time. We dated the entire time throughout high school. He was the captain of the football team and I was a cheerleader and homecoming queen.


  3.Be destined to do sth./注定做某事

  Jee John was destined to be the president of his country.


  He was destined to meet her at the party.


  4.Homecoming queen./(习惯用法)在家里备受宠爱的女儿。

  Before she was married, she was the homecoming queen at the family.


  We have the fairy tale relationship(童话般的爱情故事). He is my prince charming. We have both since graduated from high school and now we attend the same college together. There is not a doubt in my mind that we will be together for the rest of our lives.


  5.there is not a doubt = there is no doubt.毫无疑问

  there is no doubt that I fall in love with her at the first sight!


  Our dreams and futures consist of each other and we plan to marry sometime in the near future. He is the most precious thing I have ever encountered and he is the miracle that has made my life complete. To be lucky in love you have to fall in love many times, but with the same person. I am the LUCKIEST in love! I pray that many other people get to feel what we feel for each other in their lifetimes. Love is life!


  you made my life complete! /你使我的生活变的完整!

  一次在一家进出口公司接待一个德国商人,经过艰难的FOB和CIF的谈判,终于达成协议,最后,那个德国人掏出他的钱包,拿出一张照片,上面是他的妻子和20岁年轻漂亮的女儿,对我们说:this is my wife, well, this my girlfriend. they made my life complete /她们让我的生命更完整,这个是我的妻子,旁边的是我的女朋友--他喜欢把女儿称为自己的'女朋友',喜欢这么做的外国人中我遇到的不止他一人。"

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