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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久12

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/02 13:39  新浪教育

  For the long run, we have every reason to be optimistic(从长远角度看,我们极有理由乐观). This war hasn't gone for four weeks yet (这场战斗甚至没有持续4个星期). The Second World War took six years(第二次世界大战打了6年). Fifty-one million people died and I think it's important to develop some perspective(前景).

  It's been a successful military operation and we are gearing up for a post military development of a Middle East country that will be totally reoriented(使适应) as a friend of the United States(美国的朋友).

  When we come back a special visit with His Excellency(阁下) Dr. Mohammed Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs(科威特外交事务部长). Don't go away.


  RO: We now welcome, with pleasure, to RO LIVE, Dr. Mohammed Al-Sabah. He is Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. Your Excellency(阁下先生), you're in Washington to meet with top U.S. officials on Monday. What's the purpose?

  【注】your excellency/阁下先生,表示对高级外交官,皇室人员的尊称。

  DR. MOHAMMED AL-SABAH.: Well, I'm here to first of all to express Kuwait's appreciation(表示科威特政府对美国的感谢) for the work that the United States is doing in liberating the Iraqi people and also in helping us to find out POWs(战俘) who are still lingering in(延迟) Iraqi jail or even worse.

  RO: Your Excellency, will Kuwait be involved in post-war Iraq(科威特是否会在战后重建伊拉克上发挥作用)?

  AL-SABAH: Well, we have extended our support to our brothers in Iraq to rebuild their country and we are going to be ready to help in any way.

  RO: Doctor, were you surprised at how quickly it went(对进展如此迅速是否表示惊奇)?

  AL-SABAH: No, we have not. We have all along said that this regime is a disaster for the Iraqis(这个政权对伊拉克人来说是个灾难) and we have seen how the Iraqi people turn their back on(背叛) their government and we were even surprised that it took 20 days for this regime to collapse.


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