减肥有绝招 恋爱帮你忙 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/05 10:30 世博英语 |
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本课您将学到:love handles(腰部的赘肉),according to句型 你还在用节食的办法减轻体重吗?别再折磨自己的身体了,找个人恋爱吧,不知不觉变成窈窕淑女。 Forget dieting—there's nothing like love to help you shed(摆脱、去除) those extra pounds, according to a survey(调查) published by an Italian health magazine. Eight out of 10 Italians find that a new love interest is the best way for both men and women to get into shape. Eating chocolate and other sweets cause a general feeling of well-being, but also pile on(堆积) the calories. So, if being in love brings the same happiness, we don't need these foods any more. But the slimming(减肥) effects(效果) of romance don't last forever. Marriage andshavingschild can bring those love handles(赘肉). A lucky few—about 12 percent—never put weight back on. 【世博读书笔记】 别再节食了(Forget dieting)——没有比谈恋爱更有效的去除多余磅数方法了,(there's nothing like love to help you shed those extra pounds)这是根据意大利某健康杂志的调查得出的结论。(according to a survey published by an Italian health magazine.) 有八成意大利人发现(Eight out of 10 Italians find)谈恋爱对男士和女士来说都是瘦身的好方法。(that a new love interest is the best way for both men and women to getsintosshape) getsintosshape是“获得好身材”,它的反意就是get out of shape“身材走样”。 吃巧克力和其他糖果会使人有一种开心的感觉,(Eating chocolate and other sweets cause a general feeling of well-being)但它同时也会堆积能量。(but also pile on the calories)所以,如果恋爱能带来同样的开心感觉,(if being in love brings the same happiness)我们就不需要摄取这种食物了。(we'll don't need these foods any more) 不过,这种浪漫减肥法效果不会持久。(But the slimming effects of romance don't last forever)婚姻和生孩子会让你要部长出赘肉,(Marriage andshavingschild can bring those love handles)只有幸运的少数(a lucky few)——12%的人能把苗条的体态保持下来。(about 12 percent—never put weight back on) 这段中的love handles与“爱”无关,指的是许多人渴望摆脱的Unsightly fat around the waist(腰部的赘肉)。 You'd better lose those love handles fast. 你最好快把你的肥肚子减掉。 一个人总是管不住自己贪吃的毛病,运动也无法减掉她腰上的“游泳圈”,就抱怨说: I exercise every day, but I can't get rid of these love handles. 【世博句型留言板】 今天我们来学一个表示“根据、按照”意思的句型,according to。 according to是介词短语,其后要接名词。 According to the weather report,we shall have cold weather next week. 根据天气报告,下星期天气将要转冷。 You should act according to circumstances. 你们要随机应变。 有个词组与according to意思非常相近,according as表示“视乎”,有depending及according to whether的意味,但他们的结构是不同的,According as是连词词组,其后接从句,例如: They will be praised or blamed according as their work is good or bad. 给他们的赏罚将视乎他们工作的好坏来决定。 如果用according to代替according as,这个句子就要变为 They will be praised or blamed according to their work. 今天的基础英语轻松学,我们明白了love handles(腰部的赘肉),学会使用了according to句型,还了解了其与according as的区别,希望你边学边用,尽快把新知消化吸收。 我是世博英语的大妮子老师,下次还要带给你更精彩的文章!See you next time! 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)大妮子原创编写!从零开始,循序渐进,地道英语,轻松入门!世博英语版权所有!未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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