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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/18 10:09  世博英语

  Bush calls on world to "deal harshly" with Hamas


  【讲解】call on在本段文章中的意思是号召、呼吁,这个词组还有拜访或邀请的意思:

  I'll call on him tomorrow.明天我去拜访他。

  harsh的用法非常的多:harsh to the ear,刺耳的;harsh terms,苛刻的条件;a harsh man,一个无情的人。

  Maine (Reuters) - President Bush on Sunday said the world must "deal harshly" with the Palestinian militantsgroupsHamas .


  【讲解】Palestinian militantsgroupsHamas,巴勒斯坦极端激进组织,来频频制造惊天恐怖事件。

  "The free world and those who love freedom and peace must deal harshly with Hamas and the killers," Bush told reporters when asked whether Israel was justified in recent attacks against the group.


  【讲解】deal with:有三层意思,本文中意思是应付、对付、处理,下面举例介绍另外两层意思:与...交往(有生意往来),I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。第三层意思是论及、涉及、研究,the next chapter deals with verbs.下一章讨论动词。


  Is he justified in all his actions?他的这许多行为是正当的吗?

  另外,这个词还经常作为…辩护解,How can you justify your rude and foolish behavior?

  你怎能为你粗鲁而愚蠢的行为辩护?Nothing can justify such careless mistakes.如此粗心的错误不可原谅。

  The US leader renewed his commitment to the internationally drawn plan for peace that calls for Palestinians to dismantle extremist groups with an eye on getting an independent state living at peace with Israel as early as 2005.


  【讲解】renew, To bringsintosbeing again; reestablish.使…重现、重建,to renew correspondence:再度开始通信。

  Commitment,a pledge to do something.承诺,a commitment to pay to Red Cross


  dismantle:To take apart; disassemble, tear down.拆开,分解;扯下;To put an end to in a gradual systematic way:终止,废除以逐渐有系统的方式结束。dismantling the cumbersome regulations for interstate trucking.废除州际间货车运输的繁琐规章。dismantle a car,拆掉汽车上的零件。

  with an eye to=With a view to,着眼于:redecorated the room with an eye to its future use as a nursery.装饰这间屋子要着眼于将来其用作保育室。

  as early as,早在。

  The president sidestepped questions about whether the United States would provide money or arms to help Palestinian set up a security force that can deal forcefully with extremists. "We would like for the Palestinian Authority to set up a security force ...," he said.


  【讲解】sidestep: To step out of the way of.让开…的路;To evade, skirt,躲避;绕开:sidestep a difficult question.避开一个困难的问题。

  set up:建立(事业)、成立(组织);为某人提供必需品或有用的东西。

  And Bush downplayed the need for himself to engage in telephone diplomacy, saying there were "plenty of contacts" between Washington and both sides.


  【讲解】downplay,To minimize the significance of,play down:低估对…轻描淡写;贬低:downplayed the bad news.对这则坏消息轻描淡写。

  telephone diplomacy:电话外交,国家领导人通过电话切磋大事。

  US Secretary of State Colin Powell heads to the region next week for a June 22 meeting in Amman of the international "quartet" that drew up the roadmap.


  【讲解】head作动词讲时可以理解为To proceed or go in a certain direction:前进继续朝着或沿着一定方向:head for town.朝城镇方向前进。head还有一个常用动词词组,head off,To block the progress or completion of; intercept:拦截阻挡…的进程或完成;拦截:Try to head him off before he gets home.在他回到家之前截住他。

  draw up

  (1)草拟、写,I will draw up a scheme of it for you.我将替你草拟这事的计划。

  (2)部署、配置、排列,The troops drew up on the parade ground.军队在阅兵场排队。

  road map or roadmap

  (1)A map, especially one for motorists, showing and designating the roads of a region.道路图,尤指供汽车使用的标明或指示某个地区道路的地图。

  (2)A set of guidelines, instructions, or explanations:一套指导方针、指示或说明:wrote an ethics code as a road map for the behavior of elected officials.写出诸如交通地图的当选官员行为举止的道德准则。


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