
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > TOEFL > 2003年6月托福语法笔记小总结(续)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/24 10:33  寄托天下

  38. (Different fourteen) crops were (being) grown 8600 years (ago) by someof the world's earliest (farmers).

  答案:A. B正确么?为什么此被动式用进行时,它的状语是8600 years ago呀?


  32. (As do) all insects, a butterfly has a hard (outer) covering, (calledit) an exoskeleton, (that) both supports and protects the body.



  38.During the nineteenth century the molecular theory of matter wasdeveloped, (which) considered (all matter) to (be composed) of tiny,indivisible (entity) called molecules. S答案:D。我选C,我觉得应该是all thematter, entity是可数名词么?

  SUNNY回答:为什么认为c是错的呢?consider sth to be没有问题啊。entity是一个绝对的可数名词

  18.in addition to (appropriating) the (subject matter) of mass culture, thepop art movement of the 1950's (utilized) various (technique) of massproduction.

  答案:D。是不是应该把technique改为techniques.在这里technique是可数的么?表示各种技术?但B subject matter又是什么意思?我觉得是词序错了,应该是mattersubject .

  SUNNY回答:先记住不管3721,只要看到various就去找名词,名词一定是用复数。只要它敢用various,就证明是承认这个名词是可数复数了。subject matter没有错的。

  25.(Addressing) themes that were (unique) American, the poet Wait Whitman(celebrated) the lives of (ordinary people).

  答案:B。这到底是什么句子结构,我怎么分析不清呀!(Addressing) themes与后面有关么,去掉定从that were (unique) American好象是单独一个词?B又应该怎么改呢?SUNNY回答:addressing...是poet W..的状语啊,分词作状语。B改为uniquely。这里American是形容词,指“美国化”的。address是“提到”的意思,动词。

  39.The major (economic) activities of Cheyenne, Wyoming, (include) transportation, (chemicals), tourism, (but) governmental activities.


  SUNNY回答:不用改的。chemicals在这里变成了名词,意思是“化工品”。but在这里是“而不是”,省略了not。如果是but not就简单了对不对?

  21.(While) models of automobiles dates (back) as far as the late 1600's,the 1880's (seen) the first commercial (interest) in the vehicle.答案:C。怎么改呀?另外date back不是应该加to么?即date back to as far as thelate 1600's.

  SUNNY回答:首先,date back to是没有错的,可是用了as..as这个句式之后,to就可以不要了。eg:I came here this morning as early as 5 am.也不需要用at的。seen这个错误很明显啊,句子的谓语怎么可能是这个样子。saw

  35.In the initial (planning) for theaters, auditoriums, (but) any room(intended) primarily for listening, acoustics is a (major consideration).



  1.A mineral is any---solid that has a definite chemical composition and adistinctive internal crystal structure.

  a.natural occurrence of homogeneous

  b.naturally occurrence of homogeneous

  c.occurring naturally homogenous

  d.homogenously naturally occurred

  SUNNY回答:这道题b是一定不对的。单就naturally occurrence,副词修饰了名词来说就是错的,更何况这里的主句变成了a mineral is occurrance了。

  d是对的,occurred是作solid的定语,homogenously naturally都是修饰过去分词occurred的。这里并不是被动语态。这道题里,很显然句子主干是A mineral is anysolid.那么,a和b都不行,因为它们的中心词是occurrence。c的错误在于修饰错误,分词短语怎么也不可能跑到名词前面去修饰。而d却满足了主干、句意、语法几方面的要求。

  NO 1:

  The new York city Ballet has been ___ of United States classical balletcompanies since its inceptions in 1946.

  B: consistently creative the most;

  D: the most consistently creative


  SUNNY回答:这道题D是对的。the most creative可以看作是省略了one,这是经常出现的。eg: he is the most intelligent of all the boys.

  NO 2:

  North America displays more ____ than any other continent except Asia; onlya true tropical enironment is absent.

  A: vary climate

  D: climatic variation



  NO 3:

  Poet Amy Lowell (began) her career (by publishing) the conventional volumeA Dome of Many-Coloured Glass, (despite) eventually successded Ezra Pound(as) leader of the progressive Imagists.



  SUNNY回答:despite和inspite of一样,后面都只可以放名词的。所以这个错误很明显。托福的考试规律是,despite与though常常有意混淆。这里despite错的更大一些,你只好选它了。leader可以看作官衔前面不用冠词,但是非常牵强。抓主要矛盾喽

  1、Essentially,a theory is an abstract,symbolic representation of ________reality.

  a.what it is conceived

  b.that is conceived

  c.what is conceived to be

  d.that is being conceived of

  SUNNY回答:应该选c。用what引导的句子等于Essentially,a theory is anabstract,symbolic representation of something that is conceived to bereality. B和D显然是错误的,因为of之后需要的是一个宾语,而that从句前显然缺少了先行词。what=先行词+that。A的错误在于,what在这个句子中已经包含了主语,而A中多了一个it

  2、The outermost (part) or the sun's atmosphere is (very) hot that (its)gases (continually) expand away from the sun.


  Price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in amarket transaction .此句中as做什么成份?去掉不行么?

  SUNNY回答:字典中这种用法被当作adv,表示“作为、正如”例:man as described by scientists科学家所描述的人但是我跟倾向于将它理解为连词后面省略的问题。比如,as is known to all众所周知。其实as是在从句中作主语的。上面的句子中,as agreed upon in a markettransaction实际上是修饰money values的。可以换为Price is the money valuesof a product or services that are agreed upon in a market transaction.

  1.( Each) person in the United States (consumes )(an average of )560 poundsof dairly (productivity )every year.


  2. The Hopi community of Oraibi in northeastern Arizona is one of theoldest, (not if) the (oldest), continuously (occupied )settlements (northof )Mexico.

  这个题目我也觉得奇怪,就觉得是A, D两个中选个,不过难决定,我决定选了A,不过后来又改了D,因为我觉得north是个adj.也可以是n.不过.....大家讨论下!谢谢SUNNY回答:if not...是固定的格式。“不是最……,也是……之一”。North在这里其实是副词用法,常与of连用,直接作地点状语。如果north等方位作名词用,应该是加冠词the,此处north of Mexico等于in the north of Mexico

  3. A majority of the reports received from people (claiming )(to have seen ) the legendary lLoch Ness Monster (have proven to be )mistakes,misconceptions,or (they were being tricked).


  SUNNY回答:冒昧问一句,这道题真的是真题吗?或者是80年以前的?我一直以为自己的脑子是托福题库哦,呵呵,看来漏掉了?把这么长的一个D改为tricks,显然不是托福的考法。这道题是时态错误,不需要用进行时的啊,改成they were tricked或者they have beentricked都可以,和前面成为并列句。

  1. The Chrysler building, considered by many to be the most beautifulskyscraper ever built, is the pinnacle of art deco architectural design andit attracts visitors from around world.

  Around world is wrong,but how to correct it?


  2. The world's oceans have risen on the average of 6 inches over the past100 years, which has been considered as evidence that global warming hashad an effect.

  Why as is wrong why to be is right?

  SUNNY回答:和前面一题一样哦。这道题是固定结构的问题,应用on an average of。而evidence前面是可以不用冠词的。很重要!例:The broken window was evidence thata burglary had taken place.

  3. The sun is producing more energy in one second than human beings haveproduced all of history.

  SUNNY回答:all through

  1.(Duing her)lifetime, Margaret Mead was(internationally)known as an(uthority)on various literate and illterate(culture).我个人认为是选D,可是我错了,不知道如何?而且答案我也觉得不知道怎么解释?大家讨论,谢谢!SUNNY回答:呵呵呵呵,看来眼睛还不够尖哦。前面的一个various看到吗?在托福中累计考察过不下十次。只要它出现,一定后面有复数的名词哦。切记!另外,看到单数的名词划线,脑子里自然要有一些想法的哦。

  2. ......... Eijah McCoy's invention of the lubricating cup in the early1870's,machinery had to be stopped in order to be lubricated.A. Before B. When C. While D. Lately这个题目是很简单,可是我觉得翻译上有点时间上先后,能不能来个翻译,谢谢!SUNNY回答:在Eijah McCoy's 1870年代发明润滑油杯之前,给加润滑油油必须要停止机器运转才行。

  3. It is unlikely that a nation would choose war if itsgoals ..........peacefully.A. meet B. could be met C. having been met D. would have met典型的虚拟语气,不过感觉被动与不被动的区别!大家要讨论一下.目标被动和目标不被动,这点大家谈谈,:)SUNNY回答:meet the goal/need/demand。所以goal作主语,当然是被动了。1.Pollen (can be )transferredby the wind or by birds )that )(comes) into(contact )with flowers.SUNNY回答:如果看见划线部分是动词的现在时,那无论如何都要看一下单复数问题的。这道题是属于托福的送分题那。建议从句与先行词中数的一致问题再复习一下。contact本身可作名词。例:means of contact,keep in contact...

  2.science fiction is (any fiction )dealing with the future or with (so ) imaginative subjects as intersteller travel,(life )on other planets,(or ) time travelSUNNY回答:只要出现so的问题,八成是考查so与such区别以及so...that句型的。我们大多熟悉的说法是imaginative subjects such as。。。。要熟悉这里的说法,such....as...No.1 TOEFL语法两道[问题]1. (Although )fluorine (tests )and x-ray analyses, archaeologists (canprove) the (validity) of artifacts.


  2. United States tennis (championship) Pancho Gonzales gained(international) acclaim (for) his (strong) serve.这道题目更是觉得没有什么头绪,大家多讨论讨论!谢谢!SUNNY回答:如果下次再看到这种“职业+人名”的结构,一定要记得,职业是人名的同位语,两者是“等于”关系。由此可见,championship是抽象名词,改为实意名词champion就好。91-10-36: For hundreds of years, sailors (relied on) echoes (to warn) themof (another) ships, icebergs, or cliffs in (foggy) weather.Answer: is C, but how to correct it?


  91-10-36: Prototypical oboes (did) a (loud), harsh tone, but the modern(oboe) is appreciated for its smooth (and beautiful) tone.Answers: is A, how to correct it?


  91-8-38: Seven (of planets) rotate in the same direction (as) their orbitalmotions, (while) Venus and Uranus rotate in the (opposite direction).Answer: is A, how to correct it?

  SUNNY回答:这里有两种说法都是正确的:seven planets或是seven of the planets。但是从后面句子看,是九大行星中的七个,所以seven of the planets

  91-5-26: A thorough (study) of mythology requires (familiarity) for theproperties of plants and trees and the (habits) of (wild) birds and beasts.Answer is B, how to correct it?


  91-1-34: Since peach (trees bloom) very early (in the season), they are indanger (for) spring (frosts).

  Answer is C, how to correct it?


  90-8-47 : (For some purposes) it is convenient to think of a surface as thelocus generated when a (line) straight or a curve (moves through) space ina (prescribed manner).

  Answer is B, how to correct it? By the way, I am not sure for theunderlines, if I missed anything in the question; also please let me knowit, thanks!

  SUNNY回答:原题的划线部分是在line straight之下,是典型的形容词修饰名词位置问题。改为straight line

  90-1-33: The (elbows) are (joints) that (connected) people's (up) armswith their forearms.

  Answer is D, what is wrong? How to correct it?


  89-10-35: Almanacs in (simple) (form) have been known from the (invention)of (writing).

  Answer is B, should it forms? Wondering!


  89-08-36: A good exercise program (helps teach) people (to avoid) thehabits that (might) shorten (the) lives.

  Answer is D, should it be theirs, but why?


  89-08-28: An enormous (variety of) information may be (obtained from) a(largest) daily (newspaper).

  Answer is C, how to correct it?


  89-8-15: Anthopolgy is a science ---anthropologists use arigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can bechecked by others.

  A, in that,

  B, that

  Why is A, does“in that”mean“because”?


  1. (Among the )symptoms of measles, which takes about twelve days (to ) incubate , (are )a high fever, swelling of glands in the neck , a cough,and (sensitive) to light.


  2. (hotograph)was revolutionized in 1851(by the)introduction (of) thecollodion process ( for making ) glass negatives.

  SUNNY回答:the process of doing / the process to do1.{Unemployment} in some large cities was a so {serious} problem that thegovernment had to {provide} free grain for many of the {inhabitants}.




  2.{No} perpetual motion machine that has {ever} been tested has actuallyrun or produced power for {any} period of {significant} time.

  A):DSUNNY回答:改为a significant time很长一段时间,time表示一段时间时,是可数的

  14.Hickories are common in eastern and the central areas of North Carolina.A): in the easternSUNNY回答:这里因为estern是方位的,所以要用the/bbs6.{Much} is known about {his} professional playing career in 1937 and{early} life {of} American Golfer Ben Hogan.

  A):BSUNNY回答:这里应该把his改为the,和后面的of对应。一般来说,the N+of结构,或者换而言之,of结构前面的名词都是限定的,用定冠词the

  7.The second law of thermodynamics states that---------- that isirreversible, the entropy of the universe always increases.


  8.----------, twenty-fifth President of the US.

  (A)The naming of Mount Mckinley for William Mckinley

  (B)William Mckinley named for Mount Mckinley

  (C)William Mckinley's name for Mount Mckinley

  (D)Mount Mckinley was named for William Mckinley


  SUNNY回答:从逗号之后的部分看,它只是一个名词短语,作同位语的。所以选择项目应该是一个完整的单句,而且最后一个词应该是逗号之后的短语有同等意义。“Mckinley山因第25任美国总统William Mckinley而命名”

  7.Thoreau is remembered for his attacks on the social institutions heconsidered immoral but for his faith in A):X but->and

  SUNNY回答:如果这里用but的话,就是转折关系,那么应该是but not for了。

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