红花还需绿叶衬 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/30 10:06 世博英语 |
Bring out这个片语大家都知道是“产生,带来”的意思,厂里一把手另谋高就了,大家都很挂念他,因为在他就任期间,我们职工的生活条件有了很大的改观。 When he was director of the factory, his greatest accomplishment was to bring out better living conditions for all the staff members. (当他是这个厂厂长时,最大的成绩就是给全体员工带来了很好的生活条件。) 片语bright out在这里意思就是指“带来”的意思即Be given something to somebody.但是这个片语还有“使显露,衬托”的意思。先看一个例子: He brought out the significant aspects of the problem. (他揭示了问题的重要方面。) 当bring out作“显露,揭示,揭露”讲时,相当于make clear; reveal; demonstrate,而作为“衬托”讲时相当于serve as a foil to,set off.其实这个意思也是从本意“带来,带出”之意发展而来的,大家可以仔细体会一下。再举两个例子: Kelly is wearing a new outfit, that shade looks good on her. It brings out the blue in her eyes. (Kelly穿了套新衣服,那颜色看起来很适合他,它衬托出他的蓝眼睛。) I think that situations in the face of threat can bring out the best in people. (我认为越是面临威胁,才能衬托出人性的美好。) 由于脚踝骨折,这几天来探望的人着实不少,所谓患难才见真情,一点也不言过其实呀!对了这里言过其实可以用lay it on thick来表示。 Don't lay it on too thick. Tom, I know that my English isn't that great. (不要太言过其实了,Tom,我知道我的英文没有那么好。) lay it on thick在这里意思就是指“捧得过分,过分恭维”,我们说赞美别人要有艺术,捧得过分就是“拍马屁拍到马蹄子上去了”,受了刺激的野马还不脱僵而去? When we compliment others, we must find something specific to praise and make sure our compliments are sincere, otherwise, they will think we're laying it on a little thick. (当称赞别人时,我们必须针对具体的事来称赞并确定我们的称赞是诚心的,否则,他们会认为我们有点言过其实。) 哥哥的书法不错,自己又受过不少影响同,在读书时跟着一位书法家还专门练习过两年书法,自认懂得点入门之道,所以随便“创作”了一幅,不料同事见了,啧啧称赞,一致奉我为大书法家。 My workmates considered my handwriting work a great artwork. But I think they're just laying it on a little thick. (我同事把我的书法作品视为一件伟大的艺术品。但我想他们实在是有点言过其实。) 结束语:要说隔壁的小靓国色天香,实在是有点言过其实(lay it on thick),俗话说鲜花还需绿叶衬(bring out),难怪她常与那个长得很丑的女人进进出出,当然就显得自己漂亮多了嘛! 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)lifubingg原创编写,取材新颖,所讲习语全部选自最流行最时尚的美语.世博英语保留一切权利!未经书面授权,请勿转载! |
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