Interpret the
following into Chinese.
coy: cute but like you are about to do
something naughty
pert: active, happy
effervescent: very happy and cute
tune out: cease being aware
I do whatever kind of products anyone
wants. This week I had a job for some South American product. They said,
"We want you to be sexy, coy, pert, but not too effervescent."
It always means the same smile and open eyes. For forty-five minutes they
tell you what they want. They explain and explain and you sort of tune out
and do the same thing.
ad agency: the company responsible for
making an advertisement
studio: the company responsible for
taking the photography
stylist: person in charge of the model's
make-up, hairstyle, dress
pose: place in a certain position
insecure: unsure about themselves, not
There are a lot of people there: the person
who has the product, the man from the ad agency, a couple of people from
the photography studio, the stylist, who poses your dress to make sure it
hangs right... suddenly there are a dozen people standing around. Each is
telling you to do something else. You know they are even more insecure
than you. You pretend you're listening and you do what you'd planned to do
in the first place. When you've worked before a camera long enough, you
know what they want even though they don't.
hairdo: a style of a woman's hair
high-fashion model: person who poses
with a product for an ad (usually clothes)
overt: open, unhidden
At first you work very hard to try to
discover different looks and hairdos. After a while, You know them all.
Someone once asked me, "Why do high-fashion models pose with their
mouths open? They look like they're catching flies." This look has
been accepted for a long time. They want everything to be sexy, subtle or
overt. After a while, it's automatic.
in: popular
posed: your body set in a fixed way
costume: all the clothes you have on,
one set of clothes, which together creates a certain feeling
phony: fake
Now the natural look is in. Jumping up and
down or staring out there ... What's natural about looking into space?
They want you natural but posed. How can you feel natural with three
pounds of make-up, in some ridiculous costume, standing there and looking
pretty? What they think of as being natural is very phony.
basket case: a helpless, hopeless,
distraught person
Someone will call you at seven in the
morning and say be ready at eight thirty. Can you be there in forty
minutes? You're a basket case trying to get your wardrobe together and be
there on time. You'reshavingsa cup of coffee, suddenly the phone rings and
you have to run. It's terrible. Somehow you manage to make it on time. I'm
very seldom late. I'm amazed at myself.
on call: they can call you whenever they
want and you are expected to be ready to work
pampered: everyone and everything in the
way you want
I'd like to say I'm sick and can't make it,
but I seldom turn something down unless I think it's really awful. Usually
I'm just rushing and do the job. I feel guilty if I say no. When you're
working for one agency, they expect you to be on call. Otherwise the
client may think you're too pampered.
closetful: everything in your clothes
wig: fake hair
block: a measure of distance, about the
same as one bus stop to the next
cab: taxi
tipper: someone who gives a service
person (waitress, beautician, taxi driver) a small bonus of money for
doing a good job
You go out of your house with your
closetful on your arm. Different colors and shoes to match and purses and
wigs. Every time I get a taxi, they think I'm going to the airport.
They're upset when I'm going ten blocks away. I've never found one to help
me in or out of a cab. And I'm a good tipper. So I've developed these very
strong muscles with one shoulder lower than the other from carrying all
the wardrobe about.
puff: use air to make larger
cheekbone: the bone under your eyes, at
the top of your cheeks
Most people have strange feelings about
standing before a camera. You have to learn to move and make different
designs with your body. Some girls know how to puff their nose in and out
to make it change or their lips or cheekbones. They practice in front of a
cattle call: many people are asked to
come in and apply for a job (usually for modeling or acting)
Usually you're competing with anywhere from
thirty to sixty girls. They're cattle calls. Sometimes they take you in
ten at a time. You wait from forty-five minutes to an hour before you're
called. They narrow it down and ask for three or four to come back. It's
like going out on a job interview every day. Everybody is very insecure.
You walk into a room and see thirty beautiful girls and say, "What
am I doing here?" Immediately you feel you should leave. But you
think you might get three out of fifteen jobs, so ...
charm school: a school that teaches you
how to stand, walk, talk and act in a way that is socially pleasing
There's no training needed, no kind of
background. People spend thousands of dollars going to charm schools to
learn make-up. It's ridiculous. They just take money from young girls. You
learn while you're working. I didn't think it was funny the first few
years because I was so nervous. After you relax, you see how absurd it all
I've always had a problem gaining weight. I
told a photographer I had gained two pounds. I was happy about it. The
agency said, "She's too fat, tell her to lose weight." They
wouldn't have known if I hadn't told them.
show business: entertainment (singing
and acting)
wallflower: a very shy person who does
not feel comfortable going forward to talk to people, usually the person
stays in a seat close to the wall, not in the center of the room, so the
person is called a wallflower
feel at ease: feel free from anxiety or
I think the shyest people get into show
business or modeling. They were wallflowers in their classes. You never
really feel at ease and you force yourself to do things not natural to
you. It's always something that you really aren't, that someone else wants
you to be.
hanger: a triangle-shaped object you
hang clothes on
You feel like you're someone's clothes
hanger. One day someone will say you're great. In the next studio, they'll
say you're terrible. It changes from minute to minute: acceptance,
rejection. Suddenly it doesn't mean anything. Why should you base your
whole day on how you look in the morning?
ambivalent:shavingsopposing feelings
file: put papers in a certain place for
degrading: insulting, something that
makes you feel bad about yourself
look down: think someone is a lesser
person than you
My feelings are ambivalent. I like my life
because it does give me freedom. I can have half a day off to do things I
like. I couldn't do that if I had a normal job. I could never be a
secretary. I make as much money working three hours as a secretary makes
in a week. If I had to sit in an office for eight hours a day filing, I
would find that more degrading than modeling. I don't look down at
secretaries. Most are talented women who could do better jobs than their
bosses probably, but will never get the chance―because they're women.
lib: short for liberation
comparable: another thing of the same
value; that can be compared
in the next breath: say something and
then right away, maybe as the next sentence, say something completely
I'd probably join women's lib, but they
don't believe in make-up and advertising, so I couldn't very well go to
their meetings as I am. At school, where I'm studying photography, they
said if I had any interest in women's lib I wouldn't be modeling. I was
trying to tell them women are so underpaid that I couldn't earn a
comparable wage at any other job. They disagreed, but in the next breath
they were talking about something they'd seen advertised and wanted to buy
the next day.
I feel guilty because I think people should
do something they really like to do in life. I should do something else,
but there is nothing I can do really well. I'm established and make a
steady living, so it becomes pretty easy. It's not very fulfilling ... but
I'm lazy, I admit it. It's an easier thing to do.
nervous energy: the energy you feel when
you are uncomfortable...
You stop thinking when you're working. But
it does take a lot of nervous energy because the camera goes one, two,
three very fast, and you have to move very fast. There's a kind of
thinking about what you're doing. If your left knee is at the right
actuary: someone who adds up statistics
for an insurance company
connotation: idea or feeling attached to
stripper: a person who takes off her or
his clothes for the entertainment of others
whore: a woman who sells sex for money;
I usually don't tell people that I model. I
say I'm an actuary or something. You're a celebrity because your picture
is in a magazine or there's the negative connotation. If strippers or
whores are arrested, they usually say, "I'm a model." There's
also the thing about models being free . and easy. I've never had the
problem of men making passes at me. I've always managed to maintain a
distance. I would never have become a model had I known ...
turn sb. off: depress sb.
Mrs. Paley―what's her name? Babs Paley―said
the greatest thing is being very thin and very rich. I'm afraid that turns
me off. I don't like to look at my pictures. I don't like to ride by and
see some advertisement and tell everyone that's me.
at one crack: at one time
Most models, after one or two years, can't
be very interested in it. But they get involved with money, so it's
difficult for them to quit. And there's always the possibility of the
commercial that's going to make you twenty thousand dollars at one crack.
You can work very hard all year on photos and not make as much as you can
on two television commercials.
streak: a few repeated lucky events
(like winning the lucky draw twice)
beach boy: a guy who used to surf and
stay at the beach or a lifeguard at the beach
fast buck: easy money
Male models are even worse. They're always
talking about that lucky streak. They're usually ex-beach boys or
ex-policemen or ex-waiters. They think they're going to get rich fast.
Money and sex are the big things in their life. They talk about these two
things constantly. Money more than sex, but sex a lot. Dirty jokes and the
fast buck. You see this handsome frame and you find it empty.
go off into (my own world): not talk or
exchange much with other peopleplay it safe: not do or say anything that
would be socially unacceptablegossip: stories about other people
I go off into my own world most of the
time. It's difficult for me to talk with the others, because most people I
work with are very conservative and play it safe. I usually get emotional,
so since I'm not going to change them and they're not going to change me,
we sort of talk about everyday gossip. You end up smiling and being nice
to everyone. You can't afford not to be.