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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第三册 > Lesson Ten听力部分

Lesson Ten听力部分
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/11 14:40  新浪教育
  Listening Comprehension: Get familiar with the words or phrases given below, and then listen to the tape until you can complete the talk.

  Topic: Smoker defends his smoking in public places

  Category: News



  come along:发生,出现



  high:兴奋,飘飘然;这里的runner's high指长跑运动员觉得异常兴奋的时刻


  oxygen tank:氧气瓶

  hook up:安装,把……联起来



  Caller: I'm a _______. I've been ______ for a long time and I think it's just the ___________________________ to _________ in the pipe.

  Presenter: You don't think smoking is bad for you?

  Caller: Well I do, I do, but you know the _________, uh…

  Presenter: Are ________!

  Caller: Are _______, yeah I mean, I could ________ like everybody else. You know, they have this thing called a runner's high, where marathon runners go out and after ___,_______, and they get this little buzz? Well Jim, I can _____________________! I don't need to run.

  Presenter: Hahaha! So smoking _______________. Oh man! Pretty soon he'll say, "Well, I get the same effect just ________________________________, I can't _______________ without the _____________________. I get the same ____ as a miler does running just by hooking up the __________________ to my ________ apparatus!"

  Topic: Skin care

  Category: Advertorial/Informercial


  stand by:=wait等待





  Presenter: Terrie is ____________ next. Welcome to Healthline, you're __ with George Faultaeous, we're talking about _________________________, a great system. Questions, or maybe your ____________________ the product. Hi.

  George: When did you __________________?

  Terrie: It has to be ________________.

  George: And how ____ did it ____________________?

  Terrie: I would say maybe _______________, because ______________________ and I use ______________________ of products to try to _____ the oil and _____ the breakout. My skin is _______.

  George: Excellent.

  Terrie: And I, you know, for me, ____________________________. I use it for ____________, I use it as _______________, I use it as a __________. I don't need so many things to use when I am going to ___. When you have oily skin you _________ have to_____ to control your skin.

  Presenter: Right, right.

  George: Well that's because the product has pretty much as all the anti-oxis _______ and ________________________, uh, to ____________________, to give it the _________ it needs to _____and to __________________ and __________, so you really don't need _______________ products.


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