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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 品味金瓜石的静懿之流金岁月(下)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/17 12:52  空中美语




  The gold, washed down the mountain by the river and left in the riverbed near Patu, kept on coming. So, when the Japanese began their occupation of Taiwan in 1895, they expanded mining operations here. They built the Prince Hotel in Chinkuashi, a grand mansion boasting the most luxurious rooms the island had ever seen. Miners who had struck it rich stayed here, flaunting their new wealth. Jewelry shops and restaurants featuring Chinese and Japanese cuisine crowded the streets. These truly were Chinkuashi's golden days.

  But there was a dark side to this world of gold and luxurious living. During World War Two, the local Chinese, forced to work the mines like slaves, were joined by foreign prisoners of war. The Japanese made the men work long hours under extremely difficult conditions. While the workers suffered from exhaustion, starvation and lung disease brought on by work in the mines, their Japanese masters enjoyed the view from the Prince Hotel.

  More Information/仅供参考,不须强记

  1.mansion n.宅邸

  2.flaunt v.炫耀;招摇

  3.exhaustion n.精疲力竭

  4.starvation n.饥饿




英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. occupation

n. the act of moving \into\ an area and taking control of it 占据;占领

2. boast

v. to have sth. that is impressive 以有……而自豪

3. luxurious

adj. comfortable and expensive 豪华的;极舒适的

4. strike it rich

idiom to suddenly obtain wealth 发横财;一夜致富

5. accessibility

suffer from

6. bring on

v. phr. to cause 引起;导致


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