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《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 12
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/12 11:18  新浪教育

  1、His rapid promotion attested his ability.


  2、Violent minority factions usually cause great social disturbances.


  3、The guileless hillbilly had difficulty adjusting to life in the big city.


  4、She decided to remain aloof from the power struggle going on in the office.


  5、The church is a hallowed institution in Italy.


  6、The mother became frantic with grief when she heard that her son had drowned.


  7、Many people think some foreign accents are exotic.


  8、The newspaper had taken his comments out of context.


  9、The more he drank the more disjointed his speech became.


  10、She was faced with a serious dilemma.


  11、In the precedent chapters, we have discussed the problems of contemporary society.


  12、She refused to acknowledge her previous tryst with the amorous young man.



《GRE最常考词汇》TEST 12

  1、attest v.证明;证实

  同testify; confirm disprove

  2、faction n.小党派;(小党派的)磨擦

  3、guileless adj.不狡猾的;诚实的

  * hillbilly n.山地人

  4、aloof adj.远离的 同 apart

  5、hallowed adj.神圣的 同 blessed; consecrated

  6、frantic adj.发狂的;狂乱的

  7、exotic adj.外来的;奇特的

  8、context n.上下文

  9、disjointed adj.脱节的;杂乱的

  同 disconnected

  10、dilemma n.左右为难

  11、precedent adj.在先的;在前的

  同 previous; prior

  12、acknowledge v.承认同confess

  tryst n.约会 amorous adj.多情的

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