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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/18 10:27  世博英语


  New dinosaur species found in India


  【讲解】dinosaur, Any of various extinct, often gigantic, carnivorous or herbivorous reptiles of the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia that were chiefly terrestrial and existed during the Mesozoic era.恐龙一种,主要生活在中生代时期的陆栖动物,是庞大的食肉或食草爬行类动物,属龙盘目与鸟盘目,已绝种。

  BOMBAY, India (AP)—U.S. and Indian scientists said Wednesday they have discovered a new carnivorous dinosaur species in India after finding bones in the western part of the country.


  【讲解】carnivorous, Flesh-eating or predatory:食肉的,a carnivorous bird.食肉鸟;Tigers are carnivores, cattle are not.老虎是食肉动物,牛不是。

  The dinosaurs were between 25-30 feet long, had a horn above their skulls, were relatively heavy and walked on two legs, scientists said. They preyed on long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs on the Indian subcontinent during the Cretaceous Period at the end of the dinosaur age, 65 million years ago. "It 's fabulous to be able to see this dinosaur which lived as the age of dinosaurs came to a close," said Paul ,a paleontologist at the University of Chicago. "It was a significant predator that was related to species on continental Africa, Madagascar and South America."


  【讲解】skull, The bony or cartilaginous framework of the head of vertebrates.颅骨。另外,skull也可以作头脑讲。Use your skull and solve the problem.运用你的头脑然后解决这个问题。

  herbivorous, Feeding on plants; plant-eating.以食草为生的;食植物的。Cattle are herbivorous animals.牛是吃草的动物。herbivorous animals,食草动物。

  fabulous,Barely credible, astonishing,令人难以置信的;令人惊异的:the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner.一位马拉松运动员的令人难以置信的耐力。

  paleontology,古生物学。stratigraphic paleontology,地层古生物学。

  Scientists said they hope the discovery will help explain the extinction of the dinosaurs and the shifting of the continents.


  【讲解】No longer existing or living,灭绝的,不再存在的。an extinct species.一个灭绝的种。The mammoth is extinct.猛犸已经灭绝了。Some of the species of birds are extinct.有几种鸟类已经绝种了。


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