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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/02 10:01  世博英语




  1) Money burns a hole in his pocket.

  NOTE1:补充一个短语:earn good money是赚大钱的意思;

  NOTE2: It means that I usually spend a lot of money on useless things.

  2) He is crying wolf again.


  NOTE2: It means that he is lying again.


  Here is a story:

  Money always burns a hole in his pocket. When the summer holiday comes, he will go out to travel with his friends. He never thinks about his study and his future. Maybe it is because he has a wealthy family and in his mind, money can give him anything. After two months' holiday, he comes back to school, but he can't hand in the homework given to him before the holiday. When the teacher asks why, he usually makes up a story and says "I was ill during the holiday." On hearing this, his classmates surely know that he is crying wolf again.

  1) Money burns a hole in his pocket.他花钱如流水。

  2) He is crying wolf again.他又在撒谎了。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. He seldom finishes his homework. This time he gave the reason that his father had an operation and he had to take care of him. What would the teacher think of his words?

  S2. Peter usually spends a lot of money on useless things. This month he has spent about 2000 Yuan. How does Peter treat his money?

  S3. In his class, nobody believes his words. What may be the reason?


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