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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/08 11:07  新浪教育


  A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


  25. Advantages and Disadvantages of My Town

  Every place has its advantages and disadvantages, including my hometown. A newcomer to my town would find not only several things to enjoy, but also a few drawbacks. Among the good points of my town are the friendly people. The residents here are very kind and will make a new neighbor feel welcome. Also, my hometown is very convenient. Stores and businesses keep long hours and the public transportation is very good. Last but not least, there are many places to spend leisure time in my town. They range from cinemas and pubs to public parks. Whatever a newcomer's interests might be, I believe he would find something to enjoy in my town.

  Unfortunately, there are also a few things about my town that a new neighbor probably wouldn't like. For example, because it is a crowded place, it is often noisy here. Someone who is used to the peace of the countryside may be disturbed by the sound of traffic. In addition, life here is very fast-paced and competitive. Most people do not have many opportunities to just take it easy. A newcomer might find the pressure difficult to deal with. And finally, because I live in a big city, it is necessary to travel to the suburbs of the countryside to really experience nature. But despite these disadvantages, I think that anyone who moves to my town will find much to enjoy. In conclusion, we should all concentrate on the benefits our living environment provides.







  advantage n.优点(=good point=benefit )

  disadvantage n.缺点(=drawback )

  newcomer n.新来的人

  resident n.居民

  hours n.(pl.)(工作、营业的)时间

  last but not least最后一项要点是

  range v.(范围)包括

  unfortunately adv.遗憾的是

  crowded adj.拥挤的

  disturb v.打扰

  in addition此外

  fast-paced adj.步调快速的

  competitive adj.竞争激烈的

  take it easy放轻松

  pressure n.压力

  suburbs n.(pl.)郊区

  in conclusion总之

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