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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/18 16:08  开口ABC

  You can be the greatest salesman!


  First One: Please have a look.

  If you go shopping in America you will hear this phrase quite often. Sales clerks are trained to make the customer feel at ease and not pressured to make a purchase. Most Americans react negatively to high-pressure sales.


  Second One: This is a good product.

  This usually refers to the quality of the product not the price. People are willing to pay more for good quality products. If your product isn't very high quality, they will expect to pay less. You're better off trying to persuade customers that the price is low. If your product is good quality and being sold for a low price you can say "this product is a great value!"


  Third One: Would you like to try them on?

  Women in particular enjoy trying on clothes before buying them. Sometimes they will try on a dozen or more pieces before deciding to buy a single outfit. Their boyfriends or husbands are often dragged along to make them wait and suffer! (not really.)


  Fourth One: Well, they look good on you.

  As a matter of fact, they look good on everyone! A good salesperson should compliment the customer on how nice he/she looks wearing the store's products. Foreigners usually appreciate a little sucking-up or making the customer feel special.


  Fifth One: They're very cheap.

  Be careful using this one! "Cheap"can mean inexpensive or low quality. If you use this phrase make sure the quality of the product you are selling is top notch. Otherwise the customer might say, "Your products are too cheap",that is, low quality, and leave your store!


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