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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 蜜蜂世界的中心:拿生命换回的安全

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/18 17:02  空中美语



  It is the job of the most mature worker bees to leave the hive to collect nectar from flowers. Upon returning to the hive, they deposit the nectar into pockets, called honeycombs, in the hive’s walls. It is from here that we get honey.

  But before you go putting your hand into a beehive, remember this: The hive is the center of the bees’world. It is not only where they store the products of their hard work, but also where they raise their young. The hive is, therefore, so important that every worker is willing to lay down its life to protect it, should its safety be threatened. A group of worker bees can kill an animal--or even a person--with their stings.

  This defense, however, comes at a high price. Soon after stinging its victim, a honeybee will die. These little soldiers make this sacrifice without a second thought, as they are driven by instinct alone. So remember, when you are near a beehive, you can’t“bee”careful enough!





英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. mature

adj. 成熟的

2. lay down one's life


3. threaten

v. 威胁;危及

4. defense

n. 防御;防卫

5. victim

v. n. 受害者

6. sacrifice

n. 牺牲


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