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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 骗你不是人!

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/26 10:30  世博英语




  1) I'll eat my hat if I cheat you.


  NOTE2: It means that I promise that I am not cheating you.

  2) Go fly a kite!

  NOTE1:补充:我们学习过beat it表达同样的意思;

  NOTE2: Go away immediately!


  Here is a dialogue:

  -Hello, Amy, sorry for being late!

  -It is not the first time.

  -I am deeply sorry! I promise...

  -You don't need to promise. Each time you have an excellent excuse.

  -But this time...

  -This time is without exception as well.

  -I took a taxi to come here right after I finished my program.

  -Now, you may go fly a kite! I am terribly annoyed.

  -But I am telling the truth. Ok, I promise that I'll eat my hat if I cheat you.

  1) I'll eat my hat if I cheat you.我骗你,我就不是人。

  2) Go fly a kite!马上走开!


  Here are three situations:

  S1. You are trying to explain to her, but she doesn't believe you. At this time, you have to promise her, how will you promise?

  S2. My father has such a hot temper that we are all afraid of him. When he gets angry, we will run away from him. Do you know what he shouts to us when he is angry?

  S3. I don't believe what you have said until you promise me. Will you promise? How can you promise?


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