2003/10/17 10:28 新浪教育 |
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课文翻译 2Reading comprehension阅读理解……………… THE DISCOVERY OF AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚的发现 Australia was discovered about 53,000 years ago. It is possible that the 澳大利亚于大约53,000年前被人发现。当时的水位较低, first people crossed /into/ Australia from Asia on a great land bridge when the 第一批从亚洲进入澳大利亚的人可能是从一座巨大的 water level of the oceans was lower. Once they were known as“aborigines”, 大陆桥上通过的。他们曾经被称作“土著”, which means“the first people of a country”,but today they are more usually 意思是“这个国家最早的居民”,然而今天他们更常常 known as Kooris. Kooris must be one of the oldest races on the earth. They 被称作“古利人”。古利人一定是世界上最古老的种族之一。他们 developed a strong system of society. Their spiritual faith and their gods were 建立了一种牢固的社会制度。他们的宗教信仰和他们所信奉的神 very important to them, and knowledge, customs and memories were handed 对他们来说非常重要;他们的知识、风俗习惯以及他们的历史 down by the elders of the race. Cave paintings have been found which are at 都是由他们种族的长辈传下来的。这里发现了至少 least 20,000 years old and are perhaps the oldest form of art yet discovered on 有20,000年之久的石窟壁画,可能是世界上迄今所发现的最古老的 the earth. 艺术形式。 Kooris developed a way of life that was suitable for this hot and in many 古利人形成了一种适应这个炎热干燥地区的 places dry country. They invented different kinds of fishing nets, also a 生活方式。他们发明了各种各样的鱼网和一种木制 curiously shaped piece of wood for hunting which could be thrown and which 的形状奇特的捕猎器,这种捕猎器可以投掷, would return to the thrower if it did not strike anything. They lived by hunting 如果没有击中任何东西,它还会回到投掷者的手中来。他们靠猎捕 animals, birds and fish, and by gathering roots, nuts and wild fruits. They 野兽、鸟类和鱼以及采集根茎、坚果和野生水果为生。他们 became experienced at finding underground springs. As a result, the Kooris 逐渐有了经验寻找地下泉水。因此,古利人 have been able to live for thousands of years in a desert land in which a 几千年来能在这样一个沙漠地带生存下来,而外国人在这种地方生活 foreigner would quickly starve or die from lack of water. 会很快饿死,或因缺水而渴死。 No one knows how many Kooris lived in Australia, maybe between 300,000 谁也不清楚有多少古利人在澳大利亚生活过,大概在30万到 and 3 million. Just over 200 years ago Kooris made up 100% of the population, 300万之间吧。就在200多年前以前,这里的人口100%都是古利人, but today they only make up a little over 1% of the population. Then foreign 但现在他们只占总人口的1%稍多一点。接着,外国 settlers started to arrive,bringing with them new diseases which killed many 殖民者开始来到这儿,随之而来的是殖民者带来的新的疾病夺去了许多 Kooris and seizing the land on which the Kooris had lived for thousands of 古利人的生命,而且殖民者还掠夺了古利人生活了几千年的土地。 years. Kooris do not believe in owning possessions or land and they could not 古利人不相信拥有财产或土地这样的事,他们不能理解这些殖民者 understand how settlers took land as their own. Whenever the Kooris defended 怎么会把土地据为己有。每当古利人起来保卫自己的权利 their rights, they were killed. 的时候,他们就惨遭杀害。 Education was intended for white settlers only, and until very recently no 教育仅仅是为白人殖民者而办的,而且直到最近以前,没有 school lessons were held in languages rather than English. Thus Koori children 一所学校使用英语以外的语言进行教学。这样,古利人的孩子 who went to school could not understand the lessons. Although the settlers 上学就听不懂讲课。虽然殖民者通常彼此都 generally treated each other well, they, particularly the police, treated the 相处得很好,但是他们(尤其是警察)对古利人 Kooris badly. A quarter of the people who have died in police stations and 却很坏。在警察局和监狱中死去的人中有1/4 prisons have been Kooris. 是古利人。 Two hundred years ago there were more than 250 Koori languages. Half of 在两百年前,有250多种古利方言。(现在) these languages have completely disappeared, and many of the remaining languages 这些语言有一半已经完全消失了,而余下的古利语言中有许多 have been lost. 也已经失传。 In 1960 Kooris were made citizens of Australia, 53,000 years after 到了1960年,也就是古利人来到这个国家53,000年以后,他们 arriving in the country. 才成为澳大利亚的公民。 |
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第十课:澳大利亚 |
重点·难点·考点及疑点注释 1It is possible that...有可能…… It is possible that she is at home.她有可能在家里。 2be known as作为……而出名 He is known as a fair judge.他作为一名公正的法官而出名。 同义词链接:be famous as 辨析:be known as意思是“作为……而出名”,用法见上;be known for意思是“因……而出名”,相当于be famous for;be known to意思是“……所熟知的”。 He was known for his frankness.他因坦诚而出名。 As is known to all, the earth is round. 正如大家所熟知的那样,地球是圆的。 3hand down传下来,传递,传授 同义词链接:pass down 短语链接:hand back把……归还(持有者),交还;hand in面交,提出;hand out (免费)把……分发,分配,散发;hand on依次传递,传阅;hand over交出,移交(职位、任务等) 4become experienced at在……方面逐渐有了经验 She became experienced at/in teaching with the help of the professor. 在教授的帮助下,她在教学方面逐渐有了经验。 5make up组成,构成;编造;弥补 Don't make up lies any more.不要再编造什么谎言了。 one's own把……据为己有 It's unfair for you to take all these things as your own. 你把这些东西全都据为己有是不公平的。 7Whenever they..., they...每当他们……,他们便…… Whenever they came, they would bring some gifts to my son. 他们每次来,都要给我儿子带些礼物。 8be intended for专门为……而…… This film is intended for the children only. 这部电影是专为孩子们拍的。 9no...rather than...除了……没有…… There are no other drinks rather than some coffee. 除了咖啡外,没有其他饮料。 句型链接:would rather do sth. than do sth.宁愿……而不……;prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿……而不……;prefer n./doing sth to n./doing sth.宁愿……而不…… |
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