月球阴暗面存在水源的希望渺茫 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/18 09:21 世博英语 |
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作者:cissy 月球阴暗面存在水的希望渺茫 Findings Dampen Hope of Water on Dark Side of Moon 【参考译文】科学家研究表明月球阴暗面存在水的希望渺茫 Wed Nov 12, 1:44 PM ET LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists dampened hopes of finding large amounts of water on the dark side of the Moon on Wednesday with new evidence showing that if any deposits existed, they are in short supply. 【参考译文】伦敦(路透社)-本周三的新发现使科学家认识到月球阴暗面存在大量水源的希望渺茫。这些新发现表明,即使月球暗面积存着水源,其数量也不甚乐观。 【讲解】dampen means To deaden, restrain, or depress sb,消除,抑制,使沮丧。dampen常与down连用表示使沮、使扫兴的意思。The quarrel dampened down their enthusiasm.争吵使他们沮丧。 in short supply,短缺。 Data from the Clementine and Lunar Prospector space missions in the 1990s had suggested there could be significant supplies of water, vital to support life and human colonies on the Moon, stashed in the craters near the poles. But after conducting a radar survey of craters constantly in shadow at the lunar poles, Bruce Campbell of the Smithsonian Institutionin Washington DC and his colleagues said they did not uncover any evidence of thick ice deposits. 【参考译文】克莱门汀及月球勘探者在20世纪90年代对月球探测所获得的数据曾表明,月球南北两极地区的凹地隐藏处有大量水源,这是支持生命和人类移民月球的关键因素。美国华盛顿特区史密森学会的布鲁斯·坎贝尔和他的同事对月球两极地区阴影凹地进行的经常性雷达扫描结果表明,并没有任何大量冰层沉积的迹象。 【讲解】lunar,Of, involving, caused by, or affecting the moon..月球的。属于,涉及,或影响月球的,或由月球所导致的。lunar eclipse,月蚀;lunar month,太阴月(约29.5日);lunar calendar,阴历。 Stashe,To hide or store away in a secret place.藏匿、藏或贮存于一秘密处所。The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.松鼠贮藏胡桃以备过冬。 Crater,A pit、a hollow.坑、凹地。在本文中指的是月球上的环形山。Crater也指弹坑,The battlefield was full of craters made by exploding shells.战场上布满弹坑。 If there is water, it would probably have been deposited when comets, which are comprised largely of ice, collided with the moon over billions of years. Scientist believes most of the water would have evaporatedsintosspace but some may have collected in the shadowed craters at the lunar poles. The presence of water on the Moon is also important because it could also be used for rocket fuel and to establish a refueling station on the Moon for solar exploration trips. 【参考译文】科学家一直认为,月球上如果存在水,那应该是过去数十亿年中由冰构成的彗星坠落在月球所沉积下来的。并且科学家认为,这部分水中的大部分都已经挥发到宇宙空间,仅有那些极地区域的陨石坑中可能有些残留。月球上存在水对于未来太阳系探测旅行中提供火箭燃料以及建立一个月球燃料补给站也至关重要。 【讲解】comet,彗星。comet wine,彗星出现年酿造的醇美的葡萄酒。在大多数人类历史期间,人们害怕彗星,甚至在我们自己的时代彗星的到来与离去仍受到很大注意。如果我们认识到我们对它的名字是基于它和人在外形上的相似性,也许彗星看起来就不太可怕了。比喻的名字首先记录在亚里士多德的著作中,他使用的kome是希腊语中意为“头发”的词,表示“彗星明亮的尾巴。然后亚里士多德使用导出的单词kometes“戴长发”,作为名词意义的“comet”。希腊单词被采用到拉丁语为cometes,它再形成晚期拉丁语,给定形式为cometa,以cometa的形式出现于老式英语,这就是我们单词comet的最早英语原形 本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)cissy原创编写!带领您体验英语新闻的精髓!世博英语版权所有!未经书面授权,请勿转载!减肥有方你采用哪种 |
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