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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 哈利·波特的最后考试:巫师鉴定

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/18 13:22  空中美语


  As if his personal problems were not enough, Harry has a difficult exam to take. In June, Harry’s class will have to take the OWL exam, the most important exam at Hogwarts. All Harry and his classmates ever do is study. Furthermore,1 the Ministry of Magic doesn’t want anyone to think that Voldemort is back, so they have sent someone to stop Harry from telling people-- a horrible2 woman called Professor Umbridge.

  Professor Umbridge enjoys making Harry unhappy. She makes him write“I will not tell lies”with a magic pen. Every time he writes, the words are cutsintosthe back of his hand until he bleeds.3

  Harry quickly comes to hate Professor Umbridge. Also, because he still feels Voldemort is inside him, Harry struggles4 with his own dark side all year. It is not easy, but it is part of growing up. To beat5 Voldemort for good, Harry must first learn how to control himself.





  1.furthermore adv. also而且

  2.horrible adj. scary可怕的

  3.bleed v. to lose blood流血

  4.struggle v. to try to beat挣扎

  5.beat v. to win against打败

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