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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《魔法英语》课文译注 > 第一单元自测题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/23 20:49  新浪教育


  1.They couldn't find the boy___ .

  A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

  2.Have you finished your work ___?

  A. yet B. still C. already D. later

  3.We may ___ the book for two weeks.

  A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. renew

  4.My mother doesn't like the boys ___ in the room.

  A. play B. played

  C. to play D. being playing

  5.They have got some books ___ the moon and the star.

  A. for B. about C. on D. with

  6.“Where is your younger sister?”“She ___ to the library.”

  A. went B. will go

  C. has gone D. has been

  7.Have you ever___ train?

  A. travelled by B. travelling on

  C. travelling by D. travelled on a

  8.How many English words ___?

  A. have you learned B. did you learn

  C. are you learning D. you learned

  9.What ___ when I called you on the telephone?

  A. did you do B. have you done

  C. were you doing D. are you doing

  10.I ___ to take a walk in the evening when I was young.

  A. was used B. used C. have used D. had used


  1.Theyve got many books ___ ___ ___ in the library.


  2.How much have you ___ ___ this bike?


  3.I remember I put my glasses ___ ___ the bedroom just now.


  4.We must return the book to the library ___ ___.(按时)

  5.I___ ___ (有) a new dictionary.


  Almost everyone knows Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr is used before the family name of

  men. Mrs is for married(已婚的) women and Miss is for the women who don't

  get married.

  People in the United States have used Ms before a woman's name for some

  time. But what is Ms? They use Ms when they do not know whether(是否) the

  woman is married or not. Today, many women like Ms better than Mrs or Miss.

  The word Mr does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Many women

  think this is an advantage(优势) for men. They want to be equal(平等的) to

  men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to

  know whether they are married or not.

  Not all women like Ms. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find

  Ms difficult to pronounce(发音). But young women like it better than older

  women do. It is difficult to know whether or not Ms will be used by more

  American in the future(将来). What do you think of the change?

  1Ms is for the woman who isn't married.

  2.Not all the people in the USA like using Ms before women's names.

  3.It is equal for women in the way of using Mrs or Miss.

  4.Some people find it difficult to pronounce the word Ms.

  5.We don't know whether Americans will use Ms in the future.


  Ray, my 11yearold brother, liked streetcars(有轨电车). In one warm

  afternoon, he and I walked the three kilometres from 1___ part of the city to

  the car barn(库).

  The brightorange streetcars 2___ on eight pairs of tracks(轨道). In the dark,

  they seemed almost 3___ and to 4___ for somebody.

  We made our way 5___ the back of the barn to the last track. There, 6___ against

  the wall, was Number 34. It went down our 7___ every day. Ray pushed open its

  door and climbed in 8___ the driver always stood. I walked to the back of the 9___

  and made the pole(受电弓) touch the wire(导线) above. The streetcar 10___ to


  Ray 11___ the knobs(旋钮) and held the handle(手柄). 12___, the great streetcar

  began to move. It moved a little faster when it went 13___ the door. Then it

  crossed the sidewalk(人行道) and reached the 14___ of the street. There was 15___

  traffic and nobody saw us 16___ we were on a side street. We came to a crossing

  and there was some 17___ for sure. Ray moved the handle and 18___ the streetcar to

  a stop. We climbed out of it, ran to the back and pulled the pole 19___. Now

  the car was as 20___ as a rock—no noise, no lights, nothing.

  1A myB hisC ourD their

  2A satB stoodC layD slept

  3A deadB brokenC strangeD lazy

  4A lookB be lookingC waitD be waiting

  5A acrossB throughC fromD to

  6A putB leftC stoppedD parked

  7A cityB partC streetD house

  8A whereB whenC whatD which

  9A barnB trackC carD door

  10A wentB cameC gotD gave

  11A looked overB pointed toC played withD turned on

  12A CarefullyB SlowlyC SuddenlyD Quietly

  13AintoB behindC out ofD in front of

  14A headB endC sideD centre

  15A someB littleC muchD no

  16A becauseB thoughC whileD if

  17A peopleB policeC trafficD lights

  18A madeB hadC tookD brought

  19A upB downC outD back

  20A stillB hardC quietD heavy

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