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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/17 10:12  世博英语


  本栏目是由世博英语(360abc.com)lifubingg原创编写,取材新颖,所讲习语全部选自最流行最时尚的美语. 世博英语保留一切权利!未经书面授权,请勿转载!

  俗话说沉默是金,沉默在英文中用得最多的词是silence, 可能朋友们还没有注意到mum表示的意思与之相同呢!在片语mum is the word中,mum的意思就是“沉默的”,因而整个片语的意思是“保持沉默,别把秘密说出去”。如:

  I’ll give my girlfriend a surprise, so mum is the word.


  从字面上理解,mum is the word的意思是“沉默是唯一的话语”,其引申意义为“要保守秘密,不要说出去”。If you tell someone that mum is the word, you ask he or she to keep something secret. For example:

  My boss told me I would be nominated to be a manager, but I have not got the formal message, so mum is the word.


  work hard 是我们用得比较多的表示“努力工作”的词,但英文中pound away at something也表示同样的意思呢。首先来看一个例句:

  Nowadays more and more young people keep pounding away at their English learning.


  pound在片语中的意思是“敲打”,away在这里有“连续不断的”之意。从字面上看,整个片语的意思是“连续不断的敲打”,引申意义为“努力的做事,辛勤的工作”。To pound away at something means to work hard at something.

  It is not a correct attitude to pound away at his work in order to get a promotion.


  结束语:mum is the word是一个比较口语化的用法,意思是“保守秘密,别说出去”。Pound away at something是一个最近才流行起来的用法,意思是“努力工作,辛勤的工作”。

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