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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 麻烦的新年晚会

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/22 11:18  世博英语




  1) It won't be plain sailing.

  NOTE1: 注意plain sailing两个词里面的双元音;

  NOTE2: It is not so easy to make it.

  2) Let's put our heads together.

  NOTE1: our在句子中如果弱读的话,应该读成[a:]的音;

  NOTE2: Let's talk about this matter together.


  Here is the story.

  I am in hot water now. Yesterday, the dean of our department asked me to arrange a New Year Party. How can I do it? You know, I need more students to help me, but it is a pity that they are busy with their final examinations. If they spend much time preparing the programs, I am afraid that it will throw their review plans \into\ confusion. Anyhow, I don't think it will be a plain sailing, but I will try my best. Maybe I can ask them to prepare some English songs. That will be easier for them. How about you? Do you have some good advice? If you are interested in it, we can put our heads together and think about it carefully.

  1) It won't be plain sailing. 不会一帆风顺。

  2) Let's put our heads together. 让我们一起来讨论这个问题。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. It is a big headache for me. Can you help me?

  S2. I am dying to make success. Do you know how to be a successful man? What do you think of the road to success?

  S3. I am asked to write a report, but up to now, I don't have any logic about it. Can you give me a hand?


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