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My Good Friend
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/25 13:08  英语辅导报

  Long Xiang is my good friend.Heis 11 years old this year.He is in Class 1,Grade 5 at Long quan No.3 Primary School of Cheng du.He is my classmate.He is tall andthin.He has big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.Heis a handsome boy.

  He likes P.E..His favourite sport is basket-ball.After school,he often plays basketball with his friends.He likes summer best.In summer,he often goes swimming.He is a good swimmer.

  Sometimes he is very naughty(淘气的).He likes making faces or telling jokes.He often makes us laugh.I like playing with him.(四川省成都市龙泉驿区第三小学 五年级一班 曾严 指导教师 吴娱)

  曾严同学向大家介绍了自己的好朋友的外貌、习惯和性格,字里行间能体会到两人之间深厚的友情。整篇文章语言流畅、用词准确,没有语法错误,并且能够抓住人物的主要特点来描写,是一篇比较成功的文章,希望曾严同学不要骄傲,在今后的学习中写出更多优秀的文章与大家分享。文章级别:A。(文/四川省成都市龙泉驿区第三小学 五年级一班 曾严;英语导报小学五年级版03~04学年第1期)

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