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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > "人"无论在哪里

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/04 09:28  英语辅导报

  1.Do you like being a doctor for animals?你喜欢当兽医吗?

  句中being a doctor for animals是v-ing短语作like的宾语,用来指一贯性的,习惯性的爱好,如果改用不定式短语to be a doctor for animals则有可能是指暂时的,或特定未来的动作行为。试比较:

  People often ask me whether I like being a twin.人们常问我是否喜欢是双胞胎。

  I wouldn't like to be a doctor for animals.我不想当一名兽医。

  2.So a pet can help a person feel less lonely.因此,宠物可以使人减少孤独感。


  He is a young person.(不能用people)

  How many people(persons)are there in your family?

  3.Wherever he went,Don went with him.无论他去哪儿,丹(狗名)都和他一起去。

  ①wherever(=no matter where)意为"无论何处",在此用作连词,引导一个让步状语从句。又如:

  Wherever you go, I'll go with you.不管你去哪儿,我都跟着你。


  They must go wherever we send them.我们派他们去哪里,他们就得去哪里。

  Sit wherever you like.你想坐哪儿,就坐哪儿。


  Wherever did you find him?你究竟在哪儿找到他的?

  Where did you find him?你在哪儿找到他的?

  4.The dog then jumped out of the bed with the baby,just as the bed crashed to the first floor.就在床摔碎到楼下的那一瞬间,狗叼着婴儿从床上跳了出来。


  He arrived just as I reached the door.当我刚到门口的时候,他就来了。


  As /When /While you go round gallerys look out for the paintings by Turner.当你在美术馆参观时,你要留心看一看特纳的画。


英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭


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