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Good health is our most valuable possession
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/04 09:37  英语辅导报


  I always thought that money was the most valuable possession in the world.If there was no money,there would be many things I could not have.For example,delicious food,beautiful clothes,a big house and so on.I would be unhappy.But now I have changed my mind.I think the most important thing is health.Why?Let me tell you a true story.

  On the 21st of May,2003,my younger brother got a terrible disease.At first,my parents didn't worry too much about it.We just went to see a doctor.The doctor gave my brother some medicine which he took on time every day.But after three days,my brother got worse.His whole body was swollen(肿)and he was in a lot of pain.My parents quietly took him to the hospital where the doctor said he must stay.Many doctors came to see my brother.After examining him,the doctors said that my brother had caught a disease called measles(麻疹).We were all so worried and nervous.The doctors quickly gave my brother an injection.Soon after my brother was made to take more medicine.He stayed in hospital for three days.During the three days,he was given injections and medicine to take every day.Everyone in my family was so worried about my brother,including me.We all hoped that my brother would be better soon.Then we would live a happy life as before.

  From that day on,I began to realize I was wrong about money being the most valuable possession in the world.If a person who has a lot of money is dying can money make him better? Of course the answer is no.Good health is everyone's most valuable possession.We should take good care of ourselves and try our best to keep us away from disease.Please remember: Good health is our most valuable possession.


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