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透视set up
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/04 09:58  英语辅导报

  set up是一个常用的词组,用法比较灵活,现将其用法归纳举例如下,让你不必查词典,一看便知其词的用法。

  1set up有"竖起、升高、摆放"之意。如:

  The persons set up a monument for him at his hometown.人们在他的家乡为他竖起了一块纪念碑。

  When we got there they were setting up their school flag.我们到那儿时,他们在升校旗。

  2set up有"排版"之意。如:

  The manuscripts are already set up.手稿已经排好版。

  3.set oneself up as sb.有"自认为、自称为"之意。如:

  I've never set myself up as a scholar.我从未自称为学者。

  He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.他喜欢自命为知识分子。

  4.set up有"建立、创立、成立"之意。如:

  They will set up a new training center.他们要成立一个新的培训中心。

  Edison set up a chemical lab of his own at the age of ten.爱迪生10岁就建立了自己的化学实验室。

  5.set up有"张贴"之意。如:

  They set up a notice on the wall.他们在墙上张贴了一张布告。

  6.set up有"树立(榜样)"之意。如:

  They set up an example to us.他们为我们树立了榜样。

  7.set up有"资助、(使)开始从事某种职业"之意。如:

  John set him up as a carpenter.约翰使他从事木工的职业。

  8.set up有"提出"之意。如:

  He set up a new theory at the conference.他在会上提出了一个新的理论。

  9.set up有"使恢复健康、使某人更健壮、活跃"之意。如:

  A few days' rest will set you up.几天的休息将使你恢复健康。

  A hot drink will soon set you up.你喝杯热饮料马上就精神了。

  10.set up有"训练、教练、锻炼"之意。如:

  They were setting up recruits.他们正在训练新兵。

  11.set up有"引起、惹起(疾病)"之意。如:

  The added sugar sets up a fermentation.加了糖引起了发酵。

  12.set up有"请客喝(酒)、款待"之意。如:

  Next Sunday I'll set Tom up to a meal.下周日我要请汤姆吃饭。

  13.set up有"大声发出声"之意。如:

  All the people there set up a protest.那儿所有的人都在大声抗议。

  The cats set up a frightful yowling when the dog appeared.猫看到那条狗就都大声叫了起来。

  14.set up有"装置、安放"之意。如:

  We've set up a printing press.我们已装置了印刷机。

  How long will it take to set up the machine?把这台机器安放好需要多长时间?

  15.set up有"使某人有钱创业、买房子"等之意。如:

  Her father set her up in business.她父亲出钱帮她创业。

  16.set up有"创(体育)纪录"之意。如:

  His sister set up a new world record time in the 100meters.他的妹妹创下了新的百米世界纪录。

  17.set up有"形成、产生某物"之意。如:

  The slum on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.华尔街金融滑坡产生世界股票市场的连锁反应。

  (文/湖北房县 罗成勇;英语辅导报高中一年级版03-04学年第20期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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