新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > BULATS > 上海职业英语能力测试采用国际标准

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/07 14:17  新浪教育

  On 8 December 2003, Shanghai Personnel Bureau, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) and the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in China held a press conference in the Shanghai Personnel Bureau for the launch of "Shanghai Professional English Test". It was announced that a professional English test of international standard will be used in Shanghai first to assess the English language skills of the civil servants and in the recruitment of civil servants in the Shanghai area. Mr. Cai Zhiqiang, the Deputy Bureau Director of Shanghai Personnel Bureau, Mr. Simon Lebus, Chief Executive of UCLES, and Jeff Streeter, the Culture and Education Consul of the British Consulate in Shanghai and other relevant people attended the conference.

  Since China entered WTO, with the increase in international communication, it has become an urgent need for Shanghai to improve the civil servants' and other professionals' English communicative skills, in order to prepare for the Shanghai Expo' and to build up the city into an international metropolitan city. However, what is inappropriate is that there is no authoritative professional English test in Shanghai which can meet this need. The introduction and promotion of the BULATS test system in the civil service and human resource area will help increase the English skills in international communication among the civil servants and professionals.

  The Shanghai Professional English Test is a testing system jointly introduced by Shanghai Personnel Bureau, UCLES, and the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in China. It is based on BULATS developed by UCLES, using the five level testing system of ALTE to assess the four language skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. BULATS emphasizes the practical use of the language in real world working envioroment, very practical, authoritative, and scientific.

  The Organizing Department of Shanghai Government and Shanghai Personnel Bureau have planned for the administration of the test and made the following requirements:

  By the end of 2007, all the Shanghai Civil Servants under the age of 40 must have participated in the training for BULATS and passed the test at the relevant level. The civil Servants of 30 and below must reach at least Level three; the Civil Servants between 31 to 40 must at least reach Level two; the new employed Civil Servants must pass the test within the probation period.

  This professional language testing system will be first used in civil service. It will then be promoted in the area of personnel training to prepare for the Shanghai Expo, in the introduction of talents and recruitment, assessment for professional titles, and other areas. After the launch of the test in Shanghai, the test system will be introduced into the Yangtze River Delta and become an important standard in assessing the professional English skills in the personnel system.


  12月8日,上海市人事局、英国剑桥大学考试委员会和英国驻沪总领馆文化教育处在上海市人事局业务受理处举行了"上海市职业英语能力测试信息发布会",宣布即将推出采用国际标准的职业英语能力测试,并在上海市在职公务员和新录用公务员中率先运用该测试来评估其职业英语能力。上海市人事局副局长蔡志强、英国剑桥大学考试委员会集团总裁Simon Lebus先生、英国文化协会上海主任/英语总领事馆文化教育领事Jeff Streeter先生等有关人士出席了会议。





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