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Meanings need not frustrate
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/16 08:49  英语辅导报


  Learners can follow this procedure(步骤)to ensure that they are making good use of available context clues(有效的上下文线索).

  It is expected that as learners become more proficient(精通的)in the use of the clues,they will not need to follow this strategy(策略)rigidly(死板地).

  Look at context

  The strategy includes two things:

  First,that learners are able to follow ideas in text they are reading.

  That is,that they have sufficient command of vocabulary,grammar and reading skills to achieve basic comprehension.

  Second,that learners bring relevant(有关的;相应的)background knowledge to the text.

  This strategy is made up of five steps:

  1.Finding the part of speech of the unknown word.

  2.Looking at the immediate context of the unknown word and simplifying it if necessary.

  3.Looking at the wider context of the unknown word.

  This means looking at the relationship between the clause containing the unknown word and surrounding clauses and sentences.

  4.Guessing the meaning of the unknown word.

  5.Checking that the guess is correct.

  Examine relationship

  Initially(最初)the strategy is a major interruption of the reading process while learners develop familiarity with the clues available.

  Steps 1and 2:Focusing on(把重点放在)the word and its immediate context.

  The first two steps of the strategy focus on the word itself and the pattern it forms with the words close to it.

  Step 3:Using the wider context.

  Clauses and sentences in texts enter into relationships with surrounding clauses and sentences.

  These relationships include cause and effect,contrast(对比),generalization(概括),detail,exclusion,explanation,time and arrangement.

  Step 4:Guessing.

  This step consists of the actual guess by the learner using the clues obtained(获得的)in steps 1-3.

  This guess may be made in the learner's mother tongue or in English.

  Step 5:Checking the guesses for meaning of words.

  There are several ways of checking a guess:

  1.Check that the part of speech of the guess is the same as the part of speech of the unknown word.

  2.Break the unknown word into parts and see if the meaning of the parts relates to the guess.

  3.Substitute(替换)the guess or the unknown word.Does it make sense in context?

  4.Look in a dictionary.

  Avoid word guesses

  Studies of incorrect guessing show the importance of getting learners to delay making use of word clues until they have made full use of the available context clues.

  In a guessing strategy,information based on word part analysis(分析;分解)is best used as a way of checking context-based guesses.

  Guessing making the widest use of context clues is encouraged if the context is understandable.

  If the frequency(出现率)of unknown words is high,then learners are forced into a word-by-word reading strategy.

  They guess by using word form clues rather than context.


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