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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/16 08:52  英语辅导报


  I.Listen to the sentences,and then fill in the blanks.(10marks)

  1.Many young trees are cut down by people or _______ by cattle.

  2.In our daily life, _______ water is very important.

  3.Mr.Smith is a famous _______ on this subject.He can be in charge of this work.

  4.A terrible earthquake _______ the big city,leaving many people homeless.

  5. _______ for him,a well-known professor will teach him in the college.

  II.Listen to the dialogues,and then answer the questions.(10marks)

  1.How long have the speakers been waiting?


  2.Where does the conversation take place?


  3.What will Jack do?


  4.Why does the woman live in the countryside?


  5.What can we know about Judy according to the dialogue?


  III.Listen to the passage,and then put the following sentences in the correct order.(10marks)

  1.The Black people were brought to America.

  2.Lots of Chinese people built the railways in the U.S.A.

  3.Columbus found the"New World".

  4.Hawaii became one of the states of the U.S.A.

  5.The Black Americans left the South for the North.



  1.The photo _______ happy memories of my early childhood.

  A.refreshes to mind

  B.brings to mind

  C.reminds myself


  2.Weather _______ ,we will go outing this weekend.

  A.permits B.should permit C.will permit D.permitting

  3.Our factory is more productive now.This year's production is five times _______ it was ten years ago.

  A.what B.than C.more D.as

  4.Last night Peter _______ the assignment but also poems by one of his favorite poets.

  A.not only read B.read not only C.didn't read only D.didn't only read

  5.-Would you mind not throwing about in the classroom?

  - _______ .I'll pick up the waste paper.

  A.With pleasure B.Thanks C.No,not at all D.Yes,that's right

  6.Vicky,one of my doctoral students,had her papers _______ as soon as she finished it.

  A.to be typed;to write

  B.typed;to write

  C.being typed;writing


  7. _______ in all parts of the state,pines are the most common trees in Georgia.

  A.Found B.Finding them C.To find them D.They're found

  8.-I seldom watch TV,but listen to the radio a lot.

  - _______ .

  A.So do I

  B.Neither do I

  C.So will I

  D.So it is with me

  9.Believe it or not,last year,Matt earned as his brother,who has a better position in a big company.

  A.much as twice B.as twice much C.twice as much D.as much twice

  10.It was five o'clock a.m. _______ the ambulance arrived to take the body of Miss Genovese.

  A.when B.that C.until D.since

  11.Come and see me whenever _______ convenient _______ .

  A.you are;/B.it will be;/ C.it is;to you D.you'll be;/

  12.I don't skate now,but I _______ when I was a little boy.

  A.used to B.am used to it C.used D.used to doing

  13.What _______ it is to travel by _______ spaceship?

  A.a fun;/B.fun;a C.fun;/D.fun;the

  14.My father _______ to see me.He'll be here soon.

  A.is coming B.has come C.comes D.came

  15.The postman must deliver the mail _______ bad the weather is.

  A.however B.how C.no matter D.whatever


  Humans and orangutans are 97 percent exactly 1 according to DNA.Orangutans are as 2 in learning sign language as the other great apes(类人猿) and their attention 3 is longer.They can unlock a cage's lock with a piece of wire.They can even be 4 to make flint(火石)knives,the 5 our ancestors(祖先) 6 two million years ago. But the trees are 7 and orangutans-whose name means man of the forest in Malay-are disappearing 8 them. Once 9 across Southeast Asia ,orangutans are now found only on the islands ofBorneo and Sumatra. 10 the past twenty years,thanks to being cut down 11 and plantation agriculture,the rain forests 12 they live have been 13 by 80percent.Since 1987the wild orangutan 14 has fallen immediately from 180,000to 27,000.

  15 the orangutans have a determined friend.She has spent 27years in 16 orangutans while having to face all possible kinds of 17 in the tropical forests.She has 18 and rehabilitated(安置)scores of 19 orangutans and for their 20 she traveled around the world to get help.

  1.A.wild B.alike C.tall D.wise

  2.A.skilled B.good C.important D.excited

  3.A.thing B.advantage C.nature D.period

  4.A.seen B.taught C.asked D.forced

  5.A.figure B.system C.kind D.one

  6.A.thought of B.found C.made D.imitated

  7.A.disappearing B.growing C.existing D.dying

  8.A.with B.for C.because of D.around

  9.A.general B.strong C.common D.usual

  10.A.Around B.Over C.In D.About

  11.A.in fact B.in great numbers C.allthe way D.once in a while

  12.A.which B.that C.of D.where

  13.A.reduced B.broken C.destroyed D.saved

  14.A.birth B.percentage C.population D.saved

  15.A.Often B.Actually C.Meanwhile D.Fortunately

  16.A.learning from B.catching C.searching for D.studying

  17.A.danger B.weather C.disasters D.sicknesses

  18.A.rescued B.cured C.raised D.liberated

  19.A.major B.homeless C.rare D.lovely

  20.A.happiness B.survival C.life D.health



  The British policeman has several nicknames,but the most frequently used are"copper"and"bobby".The first name comes from the verb"cop"meaning"to take"or"capture",and the second comes from the first name of Sir Robert Peel,a 19th century politician,who was the founder of the police force.An early nickname for the policeman was"peeler",but this name had died out.

  Visitors to England seem,nearly always,to be very impressed by the English police.In fact,it has become a joke that the visitors to Britain,when asked for his views of the country,will always say,at some point or other,"I think your policemen are wonderful."

  Well,the British bobby may not always be wonderful but he is usually a very friendly and helpful character.

  A music-hall song of some years ago was called,"If you want to know the time,ask a policeman."Nowadays,most people own watches but they still seem to find plenty of other questions to ask the policeman.In London,the policemen spend so much of their time directing visitors about the city that one wonders how they ever find time to do anything else!

  1.The British policeman has _______ nicknames mentioned in the passage.

  A.five B.two C.three D.ten

  2.One of the nicknames for the policeman,"peeler" _______ .

  A.is seldom used now

  B.is still used sometimes

  C.is not used any more

  D.is still used as much as"bobby"

  3."If you want to know the time,ask a policeman."That means _______ .

  A.the British policeman is friendly and helpful

  B.the British policeman has plenty of time to help people

  C.people usually think that the policeman knows the time

  D.it is a duty for the policeman to tell people the time

  4.The article is about _______ .

  A.the bad name of the British policeman

  B.the family of the British policeman

  C.the good name of the British policeman

  D.the strange behavior of the British policeman

  5.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.The British policeman has some nicknames.

  B.The British policeman is wonderful.

  C.The British policeman knows the time very well.

  D.The British policeman helps people at any time.


  Every culture has its own ideal of behavior,and the United States is no exception.In the United States,children are encouraged almost from birth to be open and direct.Americans think that openness is a sign of honesty,and they feel doubtful if you are unwilling to talk about what you feel and what you know.They feel threatened by silence,which they do not trust or understand.Many other cultures,however,do not value openness and directness highly.

  In fact,they discourage these qualities because,to them,openness and directness seem rude,childish,and destructive(破坏性的)naive(天真).They do not signify(意味着)adult behavior in their eyes.It is not surprising,then,that many cross-cultural misunderstandings have developed around openness and directness.

  6.Openness and directness means _______ to Americans.

  A.rude B.childish C.honesty D.naive

  7.In many other cultures is considered to be a good quality.

  A.silence B.openness C.directness D.talkative

  8.Which of the following is correct?

  A.Americans don't mind if you talk loudly in public places.

  B.Americans don't like people who keep quiet while working.

  C.Americans like those silent people.

  D.Americans don't mind if you can speak your mind.

  9.In many other cultures Americans might be thought of as being _______ .

  A.honesty B.destructively naive C.threatened D.well-behaved


  The proverb"Work while you work, play while you play"is usefulto people in all walks of life.A proper and normal daily life signifies(表示)order,progress and cheerfulness.

  School life is more or less regular,students have class hours at certain times of a day,and go to the playground after school.Most of the school children are healthy,cheerful and progressive(进步的), because they are trained according to their properly regulated daily program.

  Nowadays,many businessmen and officials also have office hours.During that time,they work very hard and think about nothing except work.But when they are free,they will go to places where they can relax themselves and have fun.If they are not successful people,they may not be able to afford the time and money.

  In short,the proverb"Work while you work,play while you play"should be strictly observed by anyone who wishes to make his life pleasant,efficient and successful.When our mind is concentrated(集中)on one thing,it will surely work efficiently.In this way,you will have time to settle other problems.It is true that one can not work all day long.Play is as important as work.When you play,you will feel fresh and cheerful so that you may not be sick of your work.So if you can,give yourself enough time to play.And always remember the proverb"Work while you work,play while you play."

  10.If you work all day long,you will _______ .

  A.be successful B.be efficient C.make progress D.get sick

  11.One mind will surely work efficiently if it is concentrated on _______ .

  A.one thing only

  B.as many things as it can

  C.work and play at the same time

  D.several things

  12.To become a successful person,one must know how to _______ .

  A.earn more money

  B.get help from others

  C.live a healthy life

  D.work and study all day


  Palo Alto,California"Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting fatter-even if they do not change their diet or increase the amount they exercise,"US researchers said last week.

  A study of 192third and fourth graders,generally aged eight and nine, found that children who cut the number of hours spent watching television gained nearly two pounds(0.91 kg)less over a one-year period than those who did not change their television diet.

  "The findings are important because they show that weight loss can only be the result of a reduction in television viewing and not any other activity,"said Thomas Robinson,a pediatrician(儿科医生)at Stanford University.

  "American children spend an average of more than four hours per day watching television and videos or playing video games,and rates of childhood being very fat have doubled over the past 20years," Robinson said.

  In the study,presented this week to the Pediatrician Academic societies annual meeting in San Francisco,the researchers persuaded about 100of the students to reduce their television viewing by one-quarter to one-third.

  Children watching fewer hours of television showed a significantly smaller increase in waist size and had less body fat than other students who continued their normal television viewing,even though neither group ate a special diet nor took part in any extra exercise.

  "One explanation for the weight loss could be the children unstuck to the television may simply have been moving around more than burning off calories,"Robinson said.

  "Another reason might be due to eating fewer meals in front of the television.Some studies have suggested that eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more," Robinson said.

  13.The author tries to tell us in the first two paragraphs that _______ .

  A.children will get fatter if they eat too much

  B.children will get thinner if they eat less

  C.children will get fatter if they spend less time watching TV

  D.children will get fatter if they spend more time watching TV

  14.According to the passage,the time American children usually spend on watching TV _______ .

  A.is more than four hours a day

  B.is less than four hours a day

  C.doubled in the last twenty years

  D.is more than on any other activity

  15.Why can watching TV increase kids weight according to the passage?

  A.They usually eat less while watching.

  B.They burn off more calories.

  C.They change their diet while watching.

  D.They eat more and burn off fewer calories.


  One day,as a teacher walked into my classroom,he heard Tommy 1. _______

  Andrews whispered to the boy next to him:"Here's the teacher,2. _______

  I'll bet the silly donkey is going to talk on putting in commas."3. _______

  The teacher did not say nothing but he began to talk about 4. _______

  putting in commas,and explained how very important they could 5. _______

  be.To show that he meant,he wrote on the blackboard the sentence,6. _______

  "Tommy Andrews says the teacher is a silly donkey."The class 7. _______

  laughed and Tommy Andrews looks very red."Now,"said the 8. _______

  teacher,"I will show you how important commas."He put 9. _______

  two commas into the sentence and it now reads:"Tommy Andrews,"10. _______

  says the teacher,"is a silly donkey."








  Dear Mike,

  I was very happy to receive your letter and I'd very much like to be your penpal...



  I.1.Many young trees are cut down by people or destroyed by cattle.

  2.In our daily life,fresh water is very important.

  3.Mr.Smith is a famous expert on this subject.He can be in charge of this work.

  4.A terrible earthquake struck the big city,leaving many people homeless.

  5.Luckily for him,a well-known professor will teach him in the college.


  1.W:It's already 9:00,I wonder if Tom will come.

  M:We are supposed to be here at 8:30.He told me he would start at 8:00.

  2.W:Is the flight from New York on time?

  M:Yes,it is.It should be arriving in 30minutes at Gate 7.

  3.W:Jack,are you going to play tennis with us today?M:I promised Billthat I'd go swimming with him.

  4.M:Did you move?I went over to your old house, but it was empty.

  W:I'm living in the countryside now.The air is cleaner,and I'm closer to the school.

  5.W:I can't imagine what's happened to Judy.

  M:Nor can I.I am sure she planned to come to the party.

  Key:1.Half an hour.2.At an airport.3.Go swimming.4.Because the air is cleaner and it's near the school. 5.Judy hasn't turned up yet.

  III.There are about 22million non-European Americans,mainly Black African,Red Indians,Latin Americans and other peoples.

  The Red Indians are the natives of America.They are not red,but brown.They were called Indians by mistake.When Columbus landed in the New World in 1492,he thought he had landed in India and called the people Indians.

  The Black people had a very sad history and were brought from Africa to America to be sold as slaves in the 17th and 18th centuries.Most of them lived in the South till the 1930s and since then more and more have left the South to look for work in the industrial north.

  There are Chinese people living in America,too-almost a quarter of million.Many of them went to America about 100years ago to build the railways there.They suffered a great deal.Today,most Chinese Americans live in California and New York,and also in Hawaii,an archipelago in the mid-Pacific,which is counted as the 50th state of the U.S.A.



  I.1-5BDABC 6-10DADCA11-15CACAA

  II.1-5BADBC 6-10CAACB 11-15BDACD 16-20DAABB


  IV.1.my→his 2.whispered→whispering 3.on→about 4.nothing→anything 5.去掉very 6.that→what7.√8.looks→looked 9.commas后加are 10.reads→read

  V.One possible version:

  Dear Mike,

  I was very happy to receive your letter and I'd very much like to be your pen pal.

  I'm an 18-year-old senior two student of Jiangxi Yongxiu No.1Middle School.I enjoyed reading and playing basketball.I've been on line for two years.

  I'm eager to know how the high school students in your country spend their time in and out of school.

  Please tell me what you like and dislike most.I'm also interested to know your parents' opinions on your school work.

  Please write to me in an early reply,or send me an email at LiHua@sina.com.cn.

  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  Li Hua


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