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语法讲解:从一道高考题看should do句型
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/18 16:25  英语辅导报


  When Ed firs phoned and ____ we play,I laughed quietly,figuring on an easy victory.

  A.declared B.mentioned C.persuaded D.suggested

  析:解该题需从两个方面入手。首先,从上文的phone d可知,Ed要约我去打墙网球,故选suggested(建议)。从另一个角度看,四个选项都为过去式,而后面的宾语从句为we play这种虚拟句式。我们知道,只有表"建议"、"命令"、"要求"等意义的动词后面才能跟(should)do的虚拟句式,故选D。

  谓语动词须用(should)do的虚拟语气句式(我们简称为should do句型),贯穿于高中教材的始末,频频出现在宾语从句、主语从句、同位语从句及表语从句中。现为同学们总结如下,希望会对同学们的学习有所帮助。

  1.表示"坚持(insist,urge),命令(order ,command),建议(advise,suggest,propose),要求(ask,beg,urge,require,request,demand),决心(decide,determine),同意(agree),安排(arrange)"等意义的动词引导的宾语从句的谓语须用should do的形式,should可以省略。例如:

  They agreed that the roof(should)be repaired.他们同意应该修理屋顶了。

  They arranged that the new mayor(should)be met at the airport.他们安排在机场迎接新市长。


  It's ordered that they(should)arrive at the front before dawn.他们接到命令,天亮前务必赶到前线。


  It's a good suggestion that the meeting(should)be put off till next week.会议推迟到下周真是个好建议。

  2."be anxious"及"be determined"所引导的从句的谓语须用(should)do的形式。例如:

  They are determined that they(should)keep SARS under control in this are a.他们决心将该地区的SARS疾病控制住。

  3.在句型"It is /was+形容词+that从句"中,如果形容词是important,necessary,natural,better ,reasonable,fair ,just,right,advisable,desirable等时,那么that引导的主语从句的谓语就应该用should do的形式,有时省略should。例如:

  It's better that he(should)hear it from you.最好他从你那儿听到这件事。

  It's advisable that everyone(should)have a map.有人建议每人都要有一份地图。

  4.若句型"It is /was+形容词+that从句"中的形容词是表示"惊诧""疑惑"意义的形容词,如strange,surprising,shocking,amazing等,那么该主语从句的谓语就要用(should)do的形式,should可以省略。例如:

  It's surprising that we(should)be short of water in a country Where it often rains .在一个多雨的国家,我们竟然缺水,真是奇怪。

  It's amazing that s he(should)haves aid nothing about the murder.她竟然对那起谋杀案只字未提,真令人费解。


  It's a great surprise that he(should)read ten books a day.他竟然能一天读十本书,真令人吃惊。


  I'm surprised that you(should)speak in such away.我很惊讶你居然用那种口气说话。

  5.should用在can't think why,don't know why,see no reason why等后面,表示说话人对假设的合理性或正确性持怀疑态度,此时should不能省略。例如:

  I don't know Why you should think that I did it.我想不通,为什么你认为是我做了这件事。

  I see no reason Why you should interfere in their quarrel.我不明白为什么你涉入他们的争吵。


  I can't think Why he should have said that it was my fault.我不明白他为什么说那是我的错。


  Why should you think that way?你怎么能那么想呢?

  Who should come in but my old friend Betty!我以为是谁进来了,原来是我的老朋友贝蒂呀!

  7.should用在lest或in case之后的从句中。例如:


  He was terrified lest /in case he should slip on the ice .他害怕在冰上滑倒了。

  注意:如果这种焦虑与先前的某个动作有关,则用"should+have done"的形式。例如:

  She began to be worried lest /in case he should have met with some accident.她开始担心万一他出了什么事故。

  (2)lest也可用在目的状语从句中,意为"for fear that"。例如:

  He dare d not to spend the money lest /in case some one should as k Where he had got it.他不敢花这钱,惟恐别人问及钱的来路。

  He ran aw ay le s t /in case he should bear rested.他害怕被捉住,就跑掉了。


  If the pain should re turn,take another of the s e pills .如果再痛的话,就再吃一片药。

  If the s e biscuits should arrive in a damaged condition,please inform the factory at once .如果发现这些饼干在购进时有问题,那么就要立即通知厂方。


  Should you require anything,please call me.如果你需要什么东西,请叫我一声。


  1.He insisted that he ____ not anything wrong and that he ____ not be put in prison.

  A.did;do;would B.have ;done ;should

  C.has ;done ;/D.did;do;should

  2.(1)It's a wonder that he ____ forty miles on a snowy night.

  A.covers B.covered C.should cover D.would cover

  (2)It's a fact that he ____ forty miles on a snowy night.

  A.had covered B.covered

  C.should cove r D.would cover

  3.(1)I'm amazed that you ____ even suggest offering bribes(行贿).

  A.ought to B.must C.might D.should

  (2)I'm sure that you ____ offering bribes .

  A.should suggest B.suggest C.suggested D.would suggest

  4.(1)-They think that you have done wrong to them.

  -I don't know Why they ____ think that.

  A.should B.dare C.could D.will

  (2)-I have been working here for five days.

  -I didn't know you ____ here.

  A.should B.were C.should be D.could be

  5.(1)It's suggested that he go there alone but he advised that another person ____ be sent with him .

  A.should;would B.should;/

  C.would;should D.would;/

  (2)It's reported that they the y destroy all the nuclear weapons .

  A.w ill B.should C.have D./

  6.(1)It's a good idea that we ____ go hiking this Sunday.

  A.will B./ C.would D.shall

  (2)It's a welcome message that our class ____ the basketball match.

  A.should w in B.had won C.win D.have won



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