最流行的体育运动-滑板 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/20 09:25 视听英语Ladder AI杂志 |
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Written by Tracy Dignan
Skateboarding is a popular sport around the world. Here are some of the reasons why. DANGEROUS: Everyone likes to feel brave now and again. Skateboarding can be very dangerous. It’s fast and you really have to push yourself to do the impossible. The skateboarders may end up hurt when doing risky jumps and difficult tricks. It is because these tricks are dangerous that skateboarding is a really exciting sport to watch and take part in. ONE PERSON GAME: It doesn’t matter if you’re doing it on your own or in a group. Other popular sports such as football need lots of people to make up teams. This means you may not be able to play unless you have lots of friends or can join a team. With skateboarding all you need is a board and your own two feet. What’s more important is that anyone can try it. You don’t have to be very fit or to be good at other sports. FREEDOM: Once you have your board, you are free to skate anywhere. Skateboarders are always trying to think up ways they can skate on everyday objects such as pavements, stairs, hills and railings. There are only a few reasons why skateboarding is so popular. Maybe if you give skateboarding a try, you will be able to come up with some reasons of your own. |
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最流行的体育运动-滑板 |
作者:Tracy Dignan 滑板是世界上最流行的体育运动项目之一。它为什么会这么流行呢? 危险 每个人都愿意一再尝试勇敢的滋味。滑板有时是非常危险的。它的速度非常快,你必须强迫自己去突破极限。当滑板者跳起来或者做一些高难度的花样时,结果可能会是受伤。然而就是因为这些花样都十分危险,滑板才成为一项无论是旁观者还是亲身参与者都会感到兴奋异常的运动。 一个人的游戏 滑板一个人玩或是和一帮人玩都可以,不像其他受欢迎的运动比如足球非得一群人组队后才能玩,要是你找不到足够的人组成一队你就没法玩。滑板需要的只是一块滑板和你自己的双脚。更重要的是,任何人都能玩滑板,而无需非得拥有怎样的身体条件或必须是个运动健将。 自由 一旦你有了自己的滑板,你就可以滑着它去任何地方。滑板者每天都在想着如何洒脱地滑行在人行横道、楼梯、小山和栏杆等这些日常物体上。 以上只是滑板会流行的一部分原因。也许当你亲身尝试这项运动之后,你就能说出你自己的理由来。 |
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