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明星专访 许绍洋《真爱》经历
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/20 09:50  视听英语Ladder AI杂志


Star’s Interview - Ambrose

  This song TRUE LOVE actually I have very special feelings of it. Because it is a very good Korean song and I very admire the original singer from Korea and I think this song has a very very classic tune and really catches my attention. The main motivation for me to write this song is because I flake so much thoughts that I can put on paper. Actually, the story of this lyric is kind of like my feelings towards love and my experience towards love. The story behind this lyric is kind of my little love story. And when I was in Hong Kong, trying very very hard to be an actor or a singer, there was a Taiwan girlfriend. She had helped me a great. She gave me a lot of emotional or physical support. I need it the most at that time because at that time I have nothing. Like I have no money, I have no opportunity or so ever to get in this field. And she is the one that who stood by me after all these years and helped me to get through that hard time. I just have to write a song for her and that’s how this song’s lyric comes from. I wrote this song after LAVENDER. There’s a lot of emotional lines from the LAVENDER script actually helped me a lot in writing and finishing TRUE LOVE. After I finished with this song I have more and more interest of writing lyrics. It changes a lot of my view of life and relationship and all kinds of stuff. So I find that I will definitely write more and more lyrics in the future. So it’s a very good experience.

明星专访 许绍洋《真爱》经历


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