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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > Family Keeps Pet Eel in Bath--for 33 Years

Family Keeps Pet Eel in Bath--for 33 Years
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/26 13:34  英语辅导报

  Berlin Tues Jan 7(Reuters路透社)-A German family has kept an eel in(1) its bathtub(浴缸)for the last 33 years and even trained(2)it to swim into a bucket when someone needs to wash.

  "He's part of our family,"said Hannelore Richter of Bochum in western Germany.(3)Her husband Paul caught the eel on a fishing trip in 1969 and took(4)it home for supper.His children fell in love with the eel,and stopped(5)him from killing and cooking(6)it.Since then(7)it has lived in the bath,shared(8)it with the children when(9)they were small-and has even moved house with the family,German newspapers reported.


  Look at the first sentence from the article above and put the lines into the correct order. Don't look at the article!(The first line is numbered for you.)

  1.Here is the first sentence.

  to swim into

  an eel in

  has kept

  its bathtub for

  and even trained it

  a bucket when

  someone needs to wash.

  1 A German family

  the last 33years

  2.Here is the third sentence.

  Paul caught

  Her husband

  on a fishing trip

  the eel

  in 1969 and

  for supper.

  took it home

  3.Here is the fourth sentence.

  from killing and cooking it.

  His children

  the eel,and

  stopped him

  fell in love with

  Reading for Detail

  Look at the words in bold type from the article above and choose the best meaning.

  (1)its in this sentence means:

   a.the Germ an family's

  b.the eel's

   c.the bathtub's

  (2)it in this sentence means:

   a.the Germ an family

   b.the eel

   c.the bathtub

  (3)her in this sentence means:

   a.the eel

   b.Hannelore Richter

   c.Paul Richter

  (4)it in this sentence means:

   a.the Germ an family

   b.the fishing trip

   c.the eel

  5.him in this sentence means:

   a.Paul Richter

   b.Hannelore Richter

   c.the Richter children

  6.it in this sentence means:

   a.the Germ an family

   b.the bathtub

   c.the eel

  7.it in this sentence means:

   a.the Germ an family

   b.the bathtub

   c.the eel

  8.it in this sentence means:

   a.the German family

   b.the bathtub

   c.the eel

  9.they in this sentence means:


   b.Hannelore Richter

   c.the Richter children


  1.Here is the first sentence.

  7 to swim into

  3 an eel in

  2 has kept

  4 its bathtub for

  6 and even trained it

  8 a bucket when

  9 someone needs to wash.

  1 A Germ an family

  5 the last 33 years

  2. 2 Paul caught

  1 Her husband

  4 on a fishing trip

  3 the eel

  5 in 1969 and

  7 for supper.

  6 took it home

  3. 5 from killing and cooking it.

  1 His children

  3 the eel,and

  4 stopped him

  2 fell in love with

  Reading for Detail

  1-5abbca 6-9ccbc


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