外文知识阅读:My Dream |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/02 21:51 英语辅导报 |
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理想是人生路上的指南针,确立目标并努力实现它,人生才有意义。胡雪玉同学的梦想是做一名英语教师,因为英语教师是连接学生和英语的桥梁,How about you?快来信告诉全国的小读者你的梦想吧! Everyone has their owndream(梦想).My dream is to be an English teacher.An English teacher can help students learn and understand(了解)more.They can also teach them to be loyal(忠诚的)and helpful.Knowledge(知识)is a bridge(桥梁)to success(成功),while an English teacher is a bridge to learning a foreign language(外语).If we learn English we can com m unicate(交流)with foreigners(外国人),we can tell people all over the world about our culture (文化)and we can use their advanced technology(先进技术).English teachers do an im portant job(重要的工作). This is why my dream is to be an English teacher. (文/湖北胡雪玉指导教师:罗俊;英语辅导报人教初一版03-04第21期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行传播。) |
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