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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > How I Spend My Winter Holiday

How I Spend My Winter Holiday
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/02 21:54  英语辅导报

  The winter holiday is coming.I want to do something useful in the winter holiday. If so,I think my winter holiday must be very great.

  At school I don't do well in English. My brother is a college student.He studies English and does well in it.So I first want him to help me in the winter holiday.This time I must work hard at English.Every morning I want to listen to English on the radio.Then I want to do more speaking with my brother.I'm sure I can become good at it by hard work.

  In the afternoon Iwant to work as a waitress in my father's restaurant.I can learn how to work with other people.I can also learn how difficult it is to make money.Mother often tells me to save money.I think I will know how to do it by work ing in the restaurant.

  This is my plan.I must do my best in my winter holiday.


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